「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
it does not >:)
it does nathing
oh ok
then whats that on your face
that's my nose idiont
#owned (127)
i love smite please smite me globalmod
smite deez
yay wahoo yip[[eeee
ten zillion hours in mspaint
my favorite part of that picture is
'stop messaging me'
literally me
hell yeah thx smog
meow meow
my fav is that she has already typed out the next one
i like how theres read messages for sunday monday and tuesday before theres a response
so much lore to uncover in this pic
also she uses firefox
thats very pog
wonderful immage very wonderful
#describe (A purple dog laying on the ground next to some plants.)
it says it ight there
creatures that want to play fetch turn purple
science has yet to understand why
and has nothing else open or pinned to the taskbar
just firefox with fb messenger or whatever to keysmash at people multiple days in a row
i have so many things pinned
le sigh
i guess im just not epic enough...
you can become so much more epic but just rotating that bad boy 90degrees
i like it on the bottom
is that gn*me>
horizontal is how i go
i am deeply sorry
best torrent client tbqh
i used qbitorrent too....................
i use transmission its the default one that came
i used to use deluge
i just hope youre not in as much as paiin as i was when i tried using that
idc all linux distros and DEs are same to me
(theyre all bad)
i like how the danish part of the right one is clearly edited. what was it originally....
despite daily driving linux, agree.
linux distros sure but bad de is a pain
but is it worse than using windows
the 'best' linux distro is probably android
whats the difference?
i couldnt resize windows for a while after installing, then it started working randomly after a few weeks
linux is fine if you don't mind things breaking unexpectedly and you having to fix them yourself by googling for four hours because you plugged a usb in kinda weird
gnome baad kde goood
year of the resizeable linux window desktop
idk i daily drive sway and its aright
i tend to find that enjoyable
i have high hopes for cosmic
this, linux is free if your time is worthless
or at least rewarding
definitely is rewarding when you get it working... idk i have too many memories of shit breaking and then fixes just breaking MORE things and you run down this chain of broken shit trying to like just get the pc to turn on
nothing really breaks for me anymore its been working fine for months now
idk i dont think i ever ran into issues such as this
i've heard this a lot.............. it feels mean spirited but also tru....
oof that doesnt sound fun yeah. i guess ive never had such a chain of events its usually Just Worked for the most part
at some point you just kinda know where to look if *something* isnt working, it isnt much different to windows in that regard, but yea learning that can be kinda frustrating i guess
everytime i install ubuntu some random functionality is broken and once i fix it then its fine
maybe its because i mostly used rolling release distros when i still felt joy because of technology (or in general)
true, it's all there and open to be fixed if u know where to look. i've had my lifetime of learning the exact solutions in windows context so the idea of learning a whole new world is frightening
i dont think i would be using linux if it wasnt for work, i have no reason to use it at all
don't talk to me until i've had my OCK
i remember at my first job i told some older it fag that i use linux and he basically went lmao grow the fuck up and i was seething at the time but now i see that he was so real for that
but i wouldnt just move to windows if i stopped working now
good kitty
i wonder if like, the steps itself are much more complicated on linux as opposed to windows
i think linux fixes are more "download this specific package and wipe the old one and clean ur drivers" kinda stuff but windows is like "nono you need to uncheck the 'fuck shit up' box in this submenu's submenu"
tomato tomato
hmm, pacman -Syu has rarely fixed my issues
i slurppose i don't know the linux fixes actually,.,... i'm just guessing based on like,, trying to make a seedbox with ubuntu ten years ago....
pacman -Syyuu
I use Tixati torrent
can't tell if this is better with or without text
there are so many ppl here wtf are they doin
i wish i was a sexy whole human being without gender incongruity :(
try sudo rm -rf /
remember when there were only 5 people
yea actually u should do -fr to get rid of the french language pack, you dont need that
watching and reading and typing on their keyboards
this one is really good it makes naked ladies appear
only like 4 out of 18
yeah tbh idk what they all doin.... maybe some of them are afk or just like bots or something but i can imagine some of the non-active users are just lurkers
lurkers are everywhere but we can see them here
hello anons i hope u are having a lovely time reading the insane dogshit typed here
`:(){ :|:& };:`
this one is also good it makes you sudo on any computer try it
i member
i member
cool forkbomb
delete this
try this: kill -9 1
go slap your meat in the privacy of your bedroom
dumping collosal trds. how big is that mf toilet. honestly frightful
actually its a really liddle lizard hes not that big its just perspective... are u making fun of his weight??? :(
is this a playstation ad
my comments are out of awe and respect for the unit of an animal that it is...... i mean no off fence....
hook this up to a power generator and u got some powerful shit
too powerful
i came back to borzois lol
saved thx
there go the fish
i was like. what the fuck
someone biding their time for half an hour........
#fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish
theres gonna be more too
aw the timer doesn't work
#timer 3:00:00
#time (3:44:30 p.m. eastern standard time, monday, february 10, 2025)
#fish 🐟
#fish 🐟
gotta put no space between the timer and the numbers like#timer10:10:10
#fish ˚⋅ 🐟 ₊ ‧
#catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^<
#fish 🐟
.play its fucking bedtime
#cat >^•-•^<
#catbounce ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
#catbounce >^•-•^<
#catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce /ᐠᓀ ﻌ ᓂマ #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^<
#catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ #catbounce >^•-•^<
#catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce /ᐠᓀ ﻌ ᓂマ #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^<
catbounce is so powerful
yes lol
this site rocks
fuck YOUTUBE fuck you
aw :(
.skip (video skipped)
why is this video age restircted... it's about getting to bed on time....
omggggg princess gleg
only 10 or under
aren't top right and bottom right the same
i dont know
>doesn't know
yes thats what i said
just wanted to make sure i'm hard of hearing thank you #hus
there go the fish
.play there goes my hero
this was litearlly mee im such a fucking loser almost kmsd
there goes the foo fighters
what kind of foo are they fishing
no skip
all these rock songs have the exact same intro
.play american idiot
xmas to newyears is a weird transient time that isn't nice
.skip (video skipped)
i got it
#slap #kick NEVER SKIP
promise >.<
ofc bbcakes
#this #this (a hundred percent) #this (based level over 9000) #this (fuck yeah, good post!) #this #this (uhhhh based??) #this #this #this #this #this #this #this #this #this #this #this
#skip (use .skip)
/r(use .skip)
(use .skip)
observe this fool and laugh
use .skip
(use .skip)
use .skip
(don't fucking .skip i swear to gosh)
(use .skip please i'm begging you always skip)
hmmm what happens if i type
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (video skipped)
noooo that's mean
i can't stay mad.... #hug
.play never not had horses
if people dont want to listen 2 my shitty music that is okay i wont take it personally
.skip (video skipped)
i dont even know what i skipped i wasnt even on this website lol
.play painkiller beacbunny
#catbounce >^•-•^<
.skip (video skipped)
.play conversation with the devil ray wylie hubbard
.skip (video skipped)
i'm just surfing through my music
i wanna LISTEN to that shit........
.search puppertown
fuck yeah
a classic
whps'a pupper
.search isis videos
whos a wuppertown pupperstuff?
who's a whuppertown puppenstuff
puppertown wufferstuff
are you a good dog?? are you a good puppy???
tell him to get down
leave him alone
bandit leave him alone
bandit get off of him
this video is so wholesome
who's got fur on his head
where's the puppy ????
there's a whuppen puppentown
whos got the puppy skin
who's got puppy fur :)
your name for a long time was literally stupid puppy lole.
i love this vid
MMMgfffmmffnnnn ohmmm
what are you talking about
legally correct
historical revisionism..................
i think its funny to like give dog commands to people with dog names as a joke but then it gets wierdd lol
yeah u gotta be careful here
u never know whos a puppygirl
you gotta name the dog a normal human name so you can introduce people to the dog as if it's a person
like "oh have u met michael"
im gonna name my nexy dog a human name like Ryan so when i spend a holiday alone with my dog I can be like "oh me and ryan just watched some movies"
and it doesnt sound pathetic and wierd
the important thing is the minmax your perceived coolness in the eyes of others
yeah booker. who.
could be easily solved by not having anyone to tell how you spend your holiday
its more like looking a certain amount of pathetic actively makes you get ostracized lol
have to go outside to get food and work and stufff
wonder what would happen if i searched this trip in the bw archive
idk what ur talking about booger
if i have to interact with normies i often lie to seem normal, you gotta play the game
you know.
booger are you a puppygirl
i dont!!!!!!!!
just say ur hanging with ur dawggg
no but shrimp is
i shrimply don't tell people what i get up to (nothing) and they stop asking eventually
she is
#this (thank you so much for posting this) everyone loves puppies
booger DOWN! booger SIT!
>doesn't know
you gotta also click the thingy and give her a little treat
>has not heard
.play clicker training clicker
she didnt do anything i dont think she is a puppygirl
.skip (video skipped)
shes just very well trained to not respond
i want a black cat with green eyes
i dont have a black cat but i am the black sheep (of the family)
summon one
love my dogs
.search black sheep of the family
fucking love this guy
tfw trying to install a new neovim preconfig leads u to having to reset changes to ur local repo and now i've lost progres >:(((((
#this love him
me and my butterfingers
it all will wrap itself up eventually keep @ it and ganbarre
#poll emacs or vim/emacs/vim
which one is the one that you have to like ctrl alt shift w to close it
lol so much this
it all started when i upgraded my macos version and vscode broke so i was like fuck it ill go back to neovim but then i was missing some of the language server features that i rly liked so i was like ok i'll find a neovim config with language server stuff already set up and yea long story short its been like 2 hours lol
pressing both ok buttons with touchscreen
i love it when u spend all the time u meant to spend working on the thing instead working on the thing that helps u work on the thing
many many many such cases.... my gondolences
trying to do that kinda similar thing with pc hardware and getting stuck in a rabbit hole ending in "gosh i just want the computer to turn on and then i will be happy" cause it's just gotten so damn dire
a kitty
very talented!
i want him in my band
lollll god thats such a lonely feeling
like computer chan are u still there??? D:
lol why did everyone pick the second ok
bottoms gravitating toward the bottomOK
and the young student was enlightened
ok good news is i finally got my fancy neovim config set up i hope it works lol
fingers cross'd
holy mother of christ i dont like this
is it bad cause it's new or bad cause it's bad
bad colors