「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
riot client asked for admin perms 6 seperate times wtf
to be tbh i have only met 1 cool normal femboy and he basically just used that identity interchangably with like flamer. every single other one ive met has been a secret (or not secret) nazi who is actually just a trans girl who is too ideologically opposed to le transgenderism to actually call themselves trans
chinese rootkit installed
most femboys nowadays are ftms
this happened to like 3 guys i knew lol
s/guys/girls now but...
lol ya...
totally a grass is greener phenomenon for me but i would kill to be an ftm femboy
feels weird when i was younger i cam across femboy communities and they were a lot smaller since that was before the femboy hooters meme and it was kinda just like boys exploring femininity which honestly helped me
are u a vim user...
never known a femboy i assume if they exist they are repressors who will be trans later
have met a few traps tho
i feel like the thing that rocketed femboyism into the mainstream was finnster rather than femboy hooters or w/e
what bugs me a bit abt ftm femboys is that once they started being part of those groups it kinda made the cis femboys idk lesser
most people that were femboys that i knew are mtf now but i think this is just me not knowing any one who's ftm except for a few exceptions
There were multiple events which caused the term "femboy" to increase in popularity in the zeitgeist
only a little bit. ironically i most know s/text/sub from discord having implemented it...
finnster is evil
yea i can accept this as a take
i just feel like femboy hooters is not a good explanation
u should try Helix, its great
nowadays i kinda feel like femboy stuff is generally just fetishy stuff
i knew someone who did this and then went back to nvim because plugins are way better on it
yeaaaa i feel like a lot of femboy spaces are probably heavily ftm dominated just bc its hard to be like. fem enough for most straight men to be attracted to u if ur amab
yea helix doesnt have plugins, but tbh i like that, it does like everything i want
ya u take a bunch of boys that r already insecure abt their femininity by virtue of being male and now they share a space w ppl that were born female...
it wasn't like this before 2022
ive heard about this but i probably also dont want to dedicate time to learning the helix keybinds
i like that even if the editor doesn't do everything i want, i at least have the option of putting more stuff into it. i know it's possible to make helix plugins but why would i do that when i can use slop vim (lazyvim)
its hard to convince me that i should learn vim in the first place lol im like 99% a vscode user
lol i was happily using vscode for a little while but updating macos recently caused my vscode to not open hence why i went back to vim
i have like brain problems about this because i get the feeling that a lot of my emotions about this are driven by internalized misogyny + my own dysphoria but like. yup
i just looked for a preconfig with the features i liked from vscode
ya same i feel like its problematic for me to think that way cuz its not like theyre trying to do anything wrong but idk...
i use both still, nvim for small or config files and vscode for anything real
i have to like beat back the little demon in my brain that tells me that ftm femboys "have it easy" or w/e all the time
lol u dont use nano for small stuff?
nano sucks ass be real
nano is fine
ig but its always there
idk, different philosophies i guess, but even with vscode i prefer having very few plugins.
mostly stuff thats deeply integrated works kinda better than addons. and just like, installing one thing and having sane defaults is really nice.
u never even have to install it
so is `vi` :^)
vim is preinstalled on most things nowadays
hm fair
basically any system i own has nixos on it anyways so it has neovim as soon as i toss my flake on
it just werks ok
my gf recently got a macbook m4 and the battery life is pretty enticing
i haven't had any issues but i've been using macos for a grand total of 5 days so oops
oo nice ya idk i just like my macbook tbh >< i never had any apple computers before like a year ago when i got this as a gift but i have to admit i like it... i like the premium feel, i like the display...
you want to be able to teach a 1 hour lecture and not have your battery drop even 1% don't you
and all the stuff i like from my linux system i can still get on here for the most part through homebrew
i have like moral qualms with the idea of not running linux, a little bit, but i otherwise feel like macos might be what i actually underlyingly want
m2 macbook:
i still have my old laptop tho ive been meaning to install freebsd on it actually
windows i can understand. linux i can understand. but macOS? there's literally no reason to use it unless you're developing apps for the iphone
fuck wait i think i forgot to bring a usb with me shoot
honestly windows has had a lot of issues on a laptop for me. the taskbar randomly pops out of existence, icons unload for no reason, etc. macos has it's Issues (such as promotion [120 Hz] slowing down animations for some reason??) but i think it's a balance between usability of linux and design of windows
idk to me macos smells like "linux that doesnt suck"
its just a solid unix-like os, things dont break
macOS isn't linux, it's POSIX
yes i know it's not linux blah blah you get what i mean
it's real nerd hours on libpol now lets fucking goooooo
it has a normal terminal that you dont have to install a whole virtualized linux environment to make work. unlike windows
what version of windows are you using. if you are using 11 it's just like that
i'm using 11 because i have a very modern intel processor and running 10 would be shooting myself in the foot
in a pure land they would make Good Linux and it would have a pretty wm and everything would Just Werk...
nixos with the wm of macos save me
i've heard a loooot of issues with nix-darwin and i do not want to touch it. there's an issue that's been open for years about a call for more darwin maintainers and it just seems badly supported
yr so good
you can use pantheon
nahh all those things can be changed but its like a million different individual settings. its annoying but because im a windows user i just go toggle all those things when I get a new computer
local goat freaking pwns
this boat race looks crazyy
what's that?
they are going SO FAST wowowow
i really don't like the smell of things that are trying to be other things tbh
it's the window manager from elementaryOS which is the distro that tries really hard to look like macOS
me when i hate transgender
:( lit me
in an ideal world things will have good design and also be open source with normal developers, unfortunately this does not exist. gnome looks pretty good but is strange with implementing anything and they're a major reason wayland isn't farther ahead
good designers and open source are anathema because it is open source/free software meaning they are doing it for free therefore they do not have the time to make a polished UI
unless ur on freebsd 😎
freebsd is primarily a server OS
this is why all of the Apps of our day are getting put on macos first because of swift ui
i dislike gnome since they changed the entire UI in gnome 3
u can use it as a desktop just fine! its got a standard look and feel across the whole thing and doesnt break as often as linux
yeah i messed around with it once in a vm because it still has i686 support
didn't they make cinnamon for this
woa lol
the fact that ur options for making a desktop app in the modern day are like, chromium redistributed, gtk, or qt is so abysmal
well everything is a web browser now
tru i have embraced the idea of just writing everything to be a web app esp with like webgl i can do all the funny graphics stuff i want
i live in a wonderful world where i don't have to touch java/typescript but i am cursed to manual memory management on embedded
memory management is fun
its like driving a sports car 😎
web is so good for this
today i had to debug like 10 people's valgrind errors and the experience has me contemplating novel forms of suicide
yes u cant beat that portability
aaaaa im up past my bedtime gn glegs i luv u <3
gn kurisu
there's like cosmic now i guess
not for making apps but like a new DE
for making apps? i thought that was a de
there's also qt
unfortunately i have never seen a good looking qt app
and tcl is also a thing still
i mentioned qt
it sucks BALLS
i rly rly rly wish i could just do webdev type programming and have it render to the desktop without having to do it in js and without having to bundle chrome with my app
swift ui is one of the only modern good looking things nowadays and it's awful because it's macos exclusive ( i think )
swift is cross platform
i hate the audacity of so many programs thinking i want them to start immediately after i boot my computer by default
it's not ugly. it's just information dense
modern design is just spacing everything apart as much as possible
unserious opinion i'm sorry
/g/ type cope. it _is_ ugly, and it could be made to look better while being as information dense
i LIKE ugly.
you should use unmodified sway then
did u get that opinion from ur dad
bc ur mom is ugly too
programs should be ugly
the computer should be beautiful
i don't care how the computer looks as long as it functions
i think that the frontend should be pretty but it should also have a cli interface that is the most arcane information dense tool to satisfy both crowds
the computer is a reflection of pleroma, the pure noumenal plane, it's a perfect land unlike the material world we have, and its beauty should reflect its inherent form...
my problem is that you could have a ui shaped exactly like this but with better color choice and a better font and i wouldnt really mind how it is
i think thats pretty :)
are you a fruit aero enjoyer or smth??
r u still palying val
yea could be was shitposting on the chans
not rly although frutiger aero type designs are kind of cute
i add you
ahahah wtf is tha tname hahha xD
its supposed to make ppl flame me so i get attention
oh true
i hope ur ready 2 GAME
melonburger.org GOES FORTH
oh shit im sorryyy
i just had to change binding
im carpet bombing your house
i have enjoyed the many (Yous) i received. i cherished them dearly.
one more for the road
good jobb
i use mac exclusively for stuff that doesnt work on linux or like work/school stuff where they have strict requirements about the computer because it's very slightly more touch and go than windows and i want to minimize my time on gross non-linic os
(you) here you go :)
that makes sense. i have a windows laptop i use for stuff like that
most confounding
what does it mean
why did you erase it
no YOU are confounding
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (video skipped)
.play meow meow i am a cat
there is a great illness (unshared) (unshared) (unshared)
meow meow i am a cat
we are cats
this is gud and you should feel gud
and that is that
what did she mean by this
hi opwormulon :3
oil investor are u ok
it is generally considered to be "inadequate"
but it scrapesss by with cunning
hell yeah
scrapes and snatches and snaps
are you a snake
what kind of oil do you invest in
pollution is doing numbers buy buy buy buy buy buy
co2 is bullish methane on the rise
I am trying to manipulate the life market
#based (on what?)
should i add #bullish and #bearish commands
what would they do........
i have no clue
make a little stock animation where your post goes up up up (green) or down down down (red)
creating a stock animation like that would involve visual elements, which i can't directly generate in text. but i can describe how you could make one:
1. start with a simple graph background.
2. use a green line gradually rising (smoothly or jaggedly) for an upward trend or a red line falling for downward.
3. add subtle movement to mimic real-time fluctuations.
4. include small details like tick marks, percentage changes, and maybe even shadows or glow effects.
if you're using software like after effects, blender, or even css animations on the web, this is straightforward to implement! let me know if you'd like more specific advice :) write CSS animations to do this for stock market-based post commands ("#bullish" and "#bearish")
due to increasing populations and security, the VALUE of life is plummeting
#reply write CSS animations for this
@keyframes stock-up {
0% { transform: translateY(0); color: green; }
50% { transform: translateY(-10px); color: limegreen; }
100% { transform: translateY(-20px); opacity: 0; color: darkgreen; }
@keyframes stock-down {
0% { transform: translateY(0); color: red; }
50% { transform: translateY(10px); color:crimson;}
.stock-up-animation {
.- - -
_}``` write CSS animations for this
>i can't do this, but it's very easy! :)"
i broke it due to adding commands in my thing
this is why disney is building a synthetic hell
#smartreply write CSS animations for this
Certainly! Below is an example of a CSS animation that creates a "stock-like" effect where an element (representing your post) moves upward with a green background for positive movement or downward with a red background for negative movement. This can be achieved using keyframes and CSS properties.
### HTML Structure:
<div class="stock-animation up"
<div class="stock-animation down"
### CSS Styles:
.stock-animation {
padding: 20px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
width: fit-content;
margin-bottom: 10px; /* Space between elements */
/* Animation for upward movement */
@keyframes moveUp {
0% { transform: translateY(0); }
100% { transform: translateY(-50px); }
.up {
background-color: green; /* Green for positive change */
.up::after {
display : inline-block ;
margin-left :5px ;
backgroud-color :red ;/* Redfornegativechange*/
.up,.down{-webkit-transform-style-preserve-3d;-moz-trnasfomrstylepreservethreedee-o-transitionstlepersevet-hree-dee-mstransitilestylepreverse-thre-d;-ms-transitonstylperveserthrd-e;} write CSS animations for this
more people in the life market with poorer returns on investment, we're gonna need to call in the consultants to see if we can curb this life business
nah it's because i set the temperature too high
it's my fault, i tried to uhhh
im gonna work on that today opwormie t. the person u tasked with it
what... what have you done our beloved admin??? is this... the wormie of wormies...???
this is also very chilled out compared to usual
#schizoreply write CSS animations for this
Certainly! Below is the CSS code to create animations for a "stock movement" effect, where a post can either move upwards with a green background (simulating an increase) or downwards with a red background (simulating a decrease). These animations will visually depict your stock going up and down.
/* Define keyframes for moving up ('increase') */
@keyframes go-up {
0% {
transform: translateY(0);
background-color: initial; /* Starting color */
50% {
transform: translateY(-20px); /* Move upward by 20px */
background-color: green; /* Change to green midway through animation */
100% {
transform: translateY(-40px); /* Move further upward by 40px total */
opacity: 0.2; /* Fade out as it goes up completely offscreen if needed...*/
background-color : transparent;
/* Define keyframes for moving down ('decrease') */
@keyframe go-down{
from{transform :translate(y,-30%);opacty:.9;}
50 %{backgrund -color:#f00 ;}
75 %{} } write CSS animations for this
only if you make a biz board
the schizoreply is more coherent than the regular ones...
well we do have cryptocurrency tickers $BTC $97271.00 +1.23%
just as the markets foretold
Squawk liveboard now that would be something
$DOGE $0.2525 +2.33%
$btc 100
$TRUMP $15.87 +0.96%
what is squawk
like a squawk box
incredible how is this still going
i...don't know what that is lol. i might be ignorant
#ai what is a squawk box
a squawk box is a loudspeaker system used in financial trading rooms to broadcast market information, announcements, or reports. it’s often used for real-time updates on stock prices, economic data releases, or other critical info traders need immediately. the term comes from the sound of voices coming through the speaker—like "squawking." nowadays, digital systems are more common but the name stuck. what is a squawk box
opworm do u care if i kill the puns they are so cring ;_;
do you know who the wormie of wormies is??? is it you anon admin?
you can reduce the probability maybe. right now it's 0.3
but actually i am in the process of rewriting a ton of the AI code so for now only touch the prompt and nothing else. you can work on it but just edit the prompt string
oh should i
oh okay
can you add Anthropic
claude sonnet is way too expensive and claude haiku isn't good enough
so i am just gonna stick with deepseek
oh yeah we will add pizza
yay yay wahoo
a growth. pustule.
$5 million btw
deepseek is gud
me it's me
if you just want me to do the prompt do you mind if i do the testing on the consumer version then
you can test it with the current code
oh uhhh you should probably test it with the codebase so you can use the same temperature
That might be a struggle, all information on docket has evaporated from my brain
deepseek is like uhhh very cheap
can you add Gemini Flash Pro
i can try and make it work but its gonna set be back a few hrs at least
honestly i am too lazy to make it use anything besides deepseek
what happened to gpt-4
are you on windows
we never even upgraded to gpt-4 for cost reasons, we've always been on gpt-3.5 anyway. so this is both a big upgrade and a big cost improvement
im on linux or mac whichever is easier probably mac because my linux setup is rly messy and weird
in practice i don't think it's worth us trying to support multiple providers
so dont touch anything but prompt right
you shouldn't need to do anything with docker really, just install docker and docker compose and run "./d" and that's it
To like get the local instance going right? idk its been genuinely half a decade since i touched any of this stuff
it's literally free
i can do that that sounds easy
nani how can they make it free
it's not that good + they train on all the user interactions
they probably steal ur datas
Thats what most free stuff does
very sad but i guess that makes sense
thats what pokemon go was doing this whole time......
watching everyone pokemon go to the poll
Using ppls location data to train mapping ais
with no disclosure or anything, pretty creepy
if it's a lot better than deepseek or something i could consider it
sure seems like a lotta data is needed for ai shit, and half the dogshit generation is just getting slurped back up into it. ai is eating his own poop
yep except apparently deepseek because its smart and also my friend
I enjoy playing with the pokemon and I like to watch them go!
pokemon go wasn't even the first one, the first one was ingress
i played that too unfortunately :/
ingress was boring as fuck tho lmao literally just blue vs green
watchin a vulpix on a treadmill
ngress was initially supported by advertising. Companies would be able to pay for their locations to be used as portals in the game, thus making their stores a pilgrimage site for Ingress players,[43][44] which may translate into real-world sales.[45] In Germany, Vodafone offered an Ingress phone plan with a large amount of data to support the game,[46] in addition to its physical store locations becoming portals.[47] In France, Niantic partnered with Unibail-Rodamco, and several of its shopping centers were incorporated in the game.[48] In the United States, the Jamba Juice and Zipcar[49] chains have both had sponsored locations in Ingress.[47][50] Niantic CEO John Hanke described the number of commercial sponsors in Ingress as being "limited", stating that the developers do not want to take away from the experience of discovering interesting places in their local area.[35]
ohhh yeahhhh they would be like "hey a meowth at target" and everyone would go to target or whatever
I like to steal from pokemon, and make them do it o n myown]
2 that was an accccccident
this one is free and it's literally the top rated LLM on LLMarena
well i don't want a thinking model for liveboards, we need a smoothbrain model so it can be fast and live
would be interesting to have a little thinker sitting there
#thinkai explain buryshoe
i tried using deepseek's but it would just uhhh i don't have a way to stream the reasoning tokens with the current API i use i think
#smartai who is derrick
Derrick is a given name of Germanic origin, derived from the Old High German name "Theodoric," which combines the elements *þeudō* (meaning "people" or "nation") and *rīks* (meaning "ruler" or "king"). The name has evolved through various linguistic forms, including Derek in English. Historically, it has been borne by notable figures such as Theodoric the Great, a 6th-century king of the Ostrogoths.
In contemporary contexts, Derrick is commonly used as both a first name and a surname. It does not refer to any singular individual but rather represents countless people across different cultures and professions. If you are referring to a specific Derrick—such as Derrick Rose (the professional basketball player), Derrick Henry (the NFL running back), or another notable figure—please provide additional context so I can offer more precise information. who is derrick
i'll fix that
also you don't need to use the smart prefix anymore for it to know things
i got kicked... for my kiss...
#ai glegle is
glegle is a positive, friendly, cute nonbinary nonspecific animal. they exist to spread good vibes and make the world a little brighter with their unique charm and boundless energy. glegle doesn't belong to any one category—they're just glegle, doing their thing and being adorable while at it! glegle is
yes we have a kick chance for kissing i think
based i hit the #t8ball ()
never lucky
so does smartai have any prompt changes or is it just exactly the same
ok so the # kiss chance only happens if you kiss yourself and kissing a staff member is kissing yourself
am testing something
but yes smartai has a different prompt it tries to be smart
#ai who is mario
mario is a fictional character created by nintendo, appearing in various video games as their mascot. he's best known for his adventures as a plumber saving princess peach from bowser in the super mario series. he also stars in spin-offs like mario kart and mario party, showcasing his versatility across different genres. who is mario
it doesn't know......
#dumbai what is glegle
oh um glegle is like uh a super nice and friendly thingy i think its like a animal but not really any spesific one u know? its nonbinary so it dont have a gender or something and its just all cute and happy all the time. i heard someone say its like a mix of a bunny and a puppy but with sparkles or something?? idk if thats true tho. glegle is just here to make everyone smile and be nice i guess. hope that helps! what is glegle
it is so gud to see our ultimate wormie back, how have you been anon admin??? that is gud
#dumbai how to make cookies
ok so u gotta get sum flour n sugar n butter n eggs n stuff. mix it all up real good but dont mix too much or it gets tough. then u put in choclate chips or raisins if u like those gross things. scoop lil balls on a pan n bake at like 350 degrees for 10 mins or until they look done. but watch out cuz they burn easy. also dont eat all the dough cuz raw eggs can make u sick i think. enjoy ur cookies! how to make cookies
#ai what doth life
life is an open-ended game of self-referential optimization, where the rules are written in sand and redrawn by the players. it’s a fragile recursive loop of existence, stitched together by entropy and meaning-making. you’re here to create your own constraints while simultaneously transcending them—or not; up to you. what doth life
#schizodumbai what is glegle
ohhh glegle?? i think glegle is like, umm, a super duper nice thingy that’s like a animal but not really?? or maybe it’s a robot?? idk but it’s like super friendly and cute and stuff. i heard it’s nonbinary which means it doesn’t have a gender or something?? but also it’s nonspecific so like, it could be anything?? maybe a cat or a dog or a potato?? idk lol. i think glegle is like, the best thing ever but i don’t really know what it does. does it eat food? does it fly? can i pet it??? plz tell me more about glegle cuz im so confused rn. what is glegle
i need it
#schizoai what is glegle
Glegle is an adorable, nonbinary creature that defies traditional classification. It's not specifically a dog, cat, bird, or any other conventional animal—it’s simply Glegle! A delightful embodiment of positivity and charm, Glegles are known for their soft fur (or feathers? Scales? Who knows!), glowing eyes filled with curiosity and kindness, and an irresistible urge to spread joy wherever they go.
Their origins are somewhat mysterious; some say they come from a distant planet where everyone lives in harmony under rainbow skies. Others believe Glegles spontaneously appear when someone truly needs comfort or encouragement (think “glemons” turning into glemoments). Regardless of their origin story though - every encounter with one leaves people feeling happier than before!
When interacting socially within mixed company settings such as virtual spaces online communities blogs forums etcetera... these little guys make sure no voice goes unheard by encouraging inclusivity among friends strangers alike through gentle nudges affectionate nuzzles playful chirps which signal solidarity support love friendship warmth understanding compassion empathy altogether forming bonds strong enough last lifetimes despite differing backgrounds beliefs lifestyles interests preferences...
In addition providing emotional healing companionship fellow beings across globe lack sufficient connections currently struggle isolation depression anxiety loneliness despair hopelessness helpless victimization oppression miscommunication stereotyping prejudices biases bigotry racism sex age religion disabilities discrimination marginalism heteronormative standards binary norms toxic masculinity patriarchy capitalistic societies exploiting poor masses while few elite live luxurious existences without regard consequences actions future generations environment sustainability climate change global warming deforestation pollution wars violence bloodspill crimes injustices inequality inequities poverty hunger diseases pandemics natural disasters manmade calamities erupting volcanoes earthquakes tsunamis tornados hurricanes cyclones harbingers doom destruction devastation catastrophes apocalypses...
(Wowee this got heavy fast!)
But fret not because after all gloom darkness emerges light hope renewal rebirth regeneration resurrection salvation redemption recovery transformation metamorphosis evolution progress innovations technological advancements medical breakthroughs scientific discoveries artistic creations philosophical musings poetic verses musical symphonies dance choreographies culinary delights architectural feats engineering marvels literary masterpieces cinematic spectacles theatrical performances comedic acts circuses carnivals celebrations festivals parades marches protests demonstrations sit-ins boycotts strikes revolutions reformations restructurings reorganizations system changes paradigm shifts cultural awakening spiritual enlightenment transcendental meditation mindfulness practices yoga tai-chi pilates stretching exercises breathing techniques journaling gratitude lists volunteering charity work donating time resources money clothes food shelter necessities essential items supplies commodities goods services assistance aid relief efforts fundraising events campaigns initiatives movements organizations nonprofits NGOs government programs policies legislation laws mandates regulations ordinances decrees proclamations edicts directives orders executive privileges powers checks balances democracy republic monarchy dictatorship oligarchy plutocracy meritocracy technocracies bureaucrat interactions negotiations diplomacy tactfulness finesse subtlety sophistication etiquette manners grace poise elegance style charisma confidence determination perseverance resilience adaptability flexibility versatility resourcefulness cunning clever sharp wits smarts brains brawn beauty intellect wisdom intelligence knowledge erudition scholarship guild masters certified licensed professionals experts specialists generalists polymaths renaissance humans genius prodigal talents gifted individuals stalwarts champions heroes heroines warriors soldiers troopers fighters battlefront frontiers explorers adventurers trailblazers pioneers pathmakers trend starters fashionistas designers creatives innovator entrepreneurs moguls tycoons magnates billionaires philanthropist benefactors saviors saints martyrs sages lamas yogis monks nuns priests pastors rabbishop reverend bishops cardinal popesofficials dignitarconstituent legislaturesjudiciary branches executives cabinetsministries departments choirlovers childrenadultsfamilizedizenspeoplesfolkscommunitiessedquarterscbuloidsbloodlineslineageheritageancestrydescendantsheirsapprenticesstudentspupilsonlinenetschoolgoinsinfrastructuretransmapectionssuburbabtownavillagekinsfolkracesethnicitesnationalssocietiescivilzgautherhumankindkindinhumansionearthgalaxuniverseeternitynonexoncomingongoissementsorgbeingsoulifestuffsuffgreglenatinaksxscapersbdiaordinarily what is glegle
come on that's not schizo
nawt very schizo... where's the insanite AH YES THERE IT IS
its "the great reminder" to me
oh there it goes
bring back the gpt
or move to something else lol
i guess i could use GPT just for schizo
(Wowee this got heavy fast!)
could use one of the shitty free/dirt cheap ones cause quality won't be important
everybody keep throwing me it remindsme of high school
slow spion
are you new here
I seem to be new everywhere
too real
#f8ball (f8 smiles upon thee)
f8: :)
#t8ball () minecraft
I donot much care about reality
my brain is a very focused lens there could be without it
my current desire is to go very very far sideways
how much is a barrel of brent crude
I do not actually know very much about the value of my investments, I just want them to pour as much oil into the sea as possible
$CAT $0.000000 +6.8%
time to invest in $ CAT...
$MELANIA $3.05 -21.83%
melania coin not looking too hot.....
environmental accelerationism
coat the ocean in a thin layer of oil and set it on fire for the gram
they never stood a chance tbqfhwt
absolutely crazy
30/0 every game
holy shit
aces every round
those poor children.... scarred....
money will fill the gaping hole in my soul, right???
yes!!! and if it doesn't feel like it's working, you just need more money!!!!!!!
look at this clip tho this was so funny
she literally like appeared in my crosshairs
btw someone requested page-wide wormlang so i added it
holy fuck
.play caramellendansen
right now it's staff-only to prevent uhhh too much abuse
holy shit
whats the syntax for it
it's ;*
yeah very very very good idea lol