rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

good good
this site is still spazzing out on mobile like a retarded kid whos been fed lsd
this site makes me smile
same! its a good site. its my home
i dunmo what youre talking about, this site looks fine on my phone
huh tried to take a vid to show ya but it immediately stopped, lol
.play beatles paperback writer
na-bee-eh (nadie)
boymoder that'd pass just fine if she wasn't all day in 4chan
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i call it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
Stockhon syndrome
hi nadie
is that a computer thing I don’t know about xf? #reply

cool move, breaking away from the usual script. valentine's day doesn't have to be about couple stuff—focus on what feels right for you. self-love and meaningful connections (platonic or otherwise) can hit harder than forced romance any day. keep it real.
I think it selects for a better group of people but it’s not causal. but that could wrong. I guess I’d expect more wealth and power in one gender and one group of trans people going that way to do great if the hormone itself caused superiority
i use it as a more general form for bf/gf its shorter to write
I respect that he emphasized having a job and relationships with even your ‘libtard’ family during corona but idk he was pretty apocalyptic back then too and i had to stop reading it just for personal stress levels not even out of ideological concern
>selects for a better group of people
i love selecting for better goups of people
do you think a career in eugenics is a good choice in the current climate
just call it ‘Gene therapy’ and treating ‘diseases which primarily effect x group’. I think it’s a necessary choice but pissing people off unnecessarily should be avoided
lol. bachelors microbiology, phd in scientific racism
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i am not a computer person, i am a regular person
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay nibble more like nipple
shrimp (
im a computer person
: 0 puters: D
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay computer person
true, you only exist in my computer
shrimp (
god i wish
shrimp (
that would be so nice
na-bee-eh (nadie)
what made glegle react liek that
::glegle doomer
na-bee-eh (nadie)
::glegle soy
na-bee-eh (nadie)
no soygle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
glegle truly is for everyone
i am a smug glegle at heart
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gleh-gleh is for everyone
shrimp (
did yall know whales use tools
what kind of tools? drills?
shrimp (
shrimp (
it was supposed to be a smug gleg 😢
learn how to use ai loser
na-bee-eh (nadie)
bury smug
no it isnt it was just a smug picture to go with my comment
shrimp (
ohh ok
shrimp (
that makes sense too
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
patrick gleman
my internet friend who’s good with computers (a god to me) doesn’t take notes or anything reading, just goes through real fast and then comes back if he needs specifics
shrimp (
wait but im a nerd....
::happy cozy gleg
oh yeah? well how about i shove you into the locker naked and without any tools then huh
shrimp (
i refuse to be a participant in your weird fetishes
shrimp (
haha I bet I could solve it haha you should do it for me haha
na-bee-eh (nadie)
dont offer me sex please thanks
huh. i personally can only retain what ive written down
I think the point is not to retain stuff you don’t need and get to what you need faster, but I’m really not sure. I’ve always been a note taker but I get overwhelmed by reading these days
oh yeah i do that while reading datasheets or documentation a lot too. but its not good for studying or stuff like that
that makes sense
cool!! do you have keybinds to move the cursor and left right click?
shrimp (
also you can go to the thrift store and get one really cheap
i stopped using a desktop environment because thats boat and switched to a wm but then i noticed that thats bloat so i skipped to the system terminal but then i noticed that thats bloat so i stopped using computers and started writing on paper but then i noticed that thats bloat and unlearned reading and writing and then i was happy
ok this is epic I knew you were a computers person
is terraria actually cool game?
the guy I watched the matrix with got frustrated with me for not having kde/gnome because we had to move it to his computer since he had an hdmi port and copying it to a flash drive went poorly. eventually we got an Ethernet cable and he made me and account and we rsynced it. which was my original idea tbh but I have a vague feeling I should get a fancy de just in case. probably try that gnome+tiling wm from pop! os. I do like tiling.
i like the first matrix movie
everytime you post on libpol you should blame yourself for wasting energy for your messages to be delivered to everybody here
#smartai on average how money is spent sending a message to

The cost of sending a message to a website like depends on several factors, including the method of communication, the infrastructure involved, and any associated fees. Below is a breakdown of potential costs:

1. **Internet Access Costs**: If you are using an internet connection (e.g., broadband, mobile data), there may be marginal costs associated with data usage. Sending a simple text-based email or form submission typically consumes negligible amounts of data—often less than 1 kilobyte (KB). For context, most internet plans charge by the gigabyte (GB) or offer unlimited data, so this cost is usually insignificant.

2. **Email Service Costs**: If you are sending an email to via an email provider (e.g., Gmail, Outlook), this service is generally free for personal use. However, if you are using a paid business email service or enterprise-level tools like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, there could be indirect costs tied to your subscription.

3. **Website Form Submissions**: If has a contact form on its website and you submit information through it, there is no direct cost to you as the user unless they charge for submissions (which would be highly unusual).

4. **Infrastructure Costs for LibPol.Org**: From their perspective:
- Hosting and maintaining their website incurs server costs.
- Processing incoming messages requires computational resources.
- They might pay for services like spam filtering or secure messaging platforms.

5. **Opportunity Cost**: While not monetary in nature, time spent drafting and sending the message represents an opportunity cost—time that could have been allocated elsewhere.

In summary:
- For most individuals sending messages online via standard methods (email forms), direct monetary costs are effectively zero.
- Indirectly small fractions of cents may apply due to electricity usage device wear-and-tear but these amounts are trivial compared other expenses incurred daily life activities such driving car buying coffee etcetera...

If more specific details about how exactly one intends communicate with them available then further precision estimating possible expenditures can provided accordingly!
on average how money is spent sending a message to
oh i do. every message = one cane stroke
I did too! very ‘knowledge is power.’ dunno if I’ll see the others. it felt very complete. I posted about it up above I think it’s still on the page
shrimp (
they did archeology on the chasm though and only found teenagers and boomers and not in huge numbers. there was also that island off Italy where they clubbed the elderly to death after a certain age. selecting for physical hardiness was probably not the best call.
shrimp (
wait were spartans real i thought that was just a movie
based i wish someone would club me to death
ESPECIALLY boymoders #tireiron
they trained their young guy ‘special forces’ by having them run through the spartan countryside killing slaves who saw them / slaves just if they felt like it
but surprisingly they were defeated when their slave allies suddenly switched sides mid battle with Athens. No one could have seen it coming really
i wonder why
it’s a mystery
athenians were more based anyway.
i love lady gaga
Athenians I heard made their wives stay in the house all day so they wouldn’t come into competition with each other. wasn’t Socrates an athenian though? he lived off his wife- a washerwoman
athenians like theseus, the best greek hero
its true, socrates was the original NEET
I bet some of the sophists literally had good ideas/useful teachings too lmao
maybe but i think socrates and the academy just generally disliked the idea of teaching for money
just talked to her (we’re both Americans) she loves you back
.play lady gaga bad romance
what does that even mean
just bragging ya know 😎😎😎
no its ok to brag but what does that even mean lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay i love gleh-gleh
I think big nose kinda white curly hair mbe not sure
19 for a cissoid is a young adult but for a trannoid is elderly unless you like transition as a toddler or something and entirely avoid the wrong puberty, the trauma of living as the wrong gender makes you prematurely old
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gleegloo
so I’m an Armenian ultranationalist now like the Irish Americans with the heritage and all
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
am I supposed to have the money to start a bank or smth? I’m saving that
na-bee-eh (nadie)
glegle has always been great
shrimp (
glegle could be the joe rogan of the left
its strange how things that umm are not directly related to being jewish came to be seen that way, um you know especially things like, curly hair, hooked nose shape and stuff are more like a common mediterranean thing (even a common north african thing) instead of a jewish thing... stereotypes and stuff and bad pseudo science...

also yeah i mean they are way more based than the people who hate htem
in feinman’s book he talked about how he visited his aunt or smth and she went ‘oh my I talked to a general today and a professor!’ and he liked how their culture actually honored scholars, but he was against Nazi sympathizers and also shut down someone making a book on Jewish genious, and didn’t really hang with zionists or whatever, which I respect. I like that part too, but the ‘god’s chosen people’ stuff is very gross. unfortunate that ethnic belief in superiority/religion drives having children, where universalism drives having girlfriends and a happy life, and then everyone complains about jeez why are my parents so conservative
shrimp (
feinmen never actually wrote any books btw
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glayglay
i found out fairly recently by the way, that part of the reason why antisemitism is such a huge issue in like contemporary fascism, is basically cause jewish people were the largest minority/outsider group in medieval europe, that's actually a big part of why christofascists and white supremacists have a bizarre (and negative) obsession with jewish people
>‘god’s chosen people
seems like white supremacist gentiles stole that from jewish people, cause white christian nationalists seem to think white christians are the "choosen people"
he wrote plenty about how great he was
shrimp (
he didnt write those books it was an associate or smth
true. its mostly racist western stereotypes
very much doubt that. maybe their own bad ideas influenced white people’s bad ideas, but the Old Testament had a pretty clear narrative of ‘it’s ok for us to hurt the lesser races without our God’ and historically the Jewish community has prioritized its own. ethnocentrism doesn’t have to be a ‘white people’ thing
I could only get through the first few minutes of this video when my friend sent it to me. I think he was an unrestrained pervert who wasted his time, and too much of a self promoter, but her complaint about the boy going ‘well what about air resistance’ is exactly why I dislike people like her. wanting to be clever and have other people go ‘oooh how clever’ can be grating, but it’s what drives people to be better and actually look at the world. saying ‘you need to not make waves and think what everyone else is thinking right now!’ is a narrative I think poisons the minds of much of the fem community. yes, the male ‘look at me’ stuff can be excessive, but it’s better for people to try things and apologize if they go too far than to say ‘I’m a scientist just because I do official scientist things’ but have no personal interest or direction in it, only to be doing ‘official scientist things’ you’ve been told by others to do. the ideal imo is to have the contrarian narcissistic ‘I’m going to be smart and show everyone’ impulse but to temper it with a care for society. I think her route is to be ruled by fear and propriety. feinman should have been made not to have cruel relationships, but more people should be a bit of an asshole about science and ‘why is that’ imo
>the boy going ‘well what about air resistance’
hey i sit next to that boy
is he single? ok tbh I do find it unattractive if you’re disruptive with it. but in my classes literally no one raises their hands except like 2 people on average.
shrimp (
i really dont think shes saying ‘you need to not make waves and think what everyone else is thinking right now!’ i dont know how you extrapolated that from her complaining about a stereotype of a person she doesnt like in a specific context
but she’s the stereotype of a person I don’t like is the thing
I like his stereotype about 5%more than hers
shrimp (
fair i guess
shrimp (
i really like her vids tho
that was the only one I saw
keep it up u :>

you should dunk on my math abilities vs yours and go ‘haha so much for you feinman fan’ at the end of the semester and take a picture with her dabbing it would be so based
i actually chatted with him about some math stuff today, hes genuinely pretty smart. but he just oozes arrogance
see I dunno I think sometimes the answer is literally ‘be more arrogant’ so you’ll be more engaged.
shrimp (
idk if ill be able to its just highschool maths for college
shrimp (
its not even uni maths 😭
I don’t remember some of it though
it would actually be kinda fun to see if we could. I bet there are some tricks you’ve learned I’ve forgotten.
idk being arrogant is high risk/high reward methinks. im more of a low risk/low reward kinda guy sorry
shrimp (
the math im doing now is stuff i was doing in grade 10 i think
uhm well akshually what about high reward low risk have you considered that? : D : D : D
nah but I think you should be arrogant about studying and using a scientific approach in general but not about specific knowledge. ppl who go ‘I’m a physicist listen to me’ are cringe but going ‘well I’m going to consult good sources of information and test solutions to this problem haha’ is v based
that stuff is genuinely the most important stuff to get down, so many people dont know the basics before moving on to the higher stuff
shrimp (
yeah i agree i need a refresher on it anyways cause its been over 10 years lol
shrimp (
its been fun to be doing math again
shrimp (
but i fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate english class
shrimp (
i gotta do a group assignment soon
prefer math tho
shrimp (
i wouldnt mind it if it was tailored to my interests more or smth
shrimp (
like we're about to do media literacy stuff and we gotta do an assignment on an advertisement and then a group project on a documentary
its like like in drawing i think. fundamentals are the most important thing for getting good
shrimp (
but if i could do my assignments on like 7 hour youtube video essays about videogames id be more enthusiastic
huh. doesnt matter. youre still our special wormie.
but honestly, i was bad at math for a long time too. i got better when i did my first education and i think im actually getting good right now. and i love math, its awesome
<3 ty nibble
special in more ways than one :3
but they’re the fundamentals for a reason yeh important to remember (if people are correct in labeling them as such which I think they are)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
shrimp (
mines ebil is that bad
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love ebil
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay i love ebil
#smartai if you have a lid how often does the bathroom trashcan bag need to be changed really?

The frequency with which you should change the bathroom trash can bag, even when equipped with a lid, depends on several factors: usage patterns, the type of waste disposed of, and hygiene considerations. Generally speaking:

1. **Usage Volume**: If your household generates a significant amount of bathroom waste (e.g., tissues, cotton pads, floss), it may necessitate more frequent changes—perhaps every 2–3 days. Conversely, light usage might allow for weekly replacement.

2. **Type of Waste**: Organic or damp materials (e.g., used tissues, wet wipes) decompose quickly and can foster bacterial growth or odors. In such cases, changing the bag every 2–3 days is advisable to maintain cleanliness and prevent unpleasant smells.

3. **Hygiene Concerns**: Bathrooms are high-moisture environments prone to microbial proliferation. Even if the trash appears underfilled after a week without organic waste accumulation—changing it weekly is prudent to mitigate potential contamination from airborne bacteria or mold spores that could settle into the bin over time.

4.**Odor Control:** A lidded trashcan helps contain odors but does not eliminate them entirely; once noticeable smells emerge despite this barrier—it’s unequivocally time for replacement regardless how full/empty it seems visually

In summary:
- For households disposing primarily dry/non-perishable items: Weekly changes suffice.
- For those discarding moist/organic matter regularly: Every 2–3 days ensures optimal sanitation standards while minimizing malodorous emissions effectively via timely removals before decomposition advances too far along its course within confined spaces like bathrooms where ventilation often proves suboptimal at best under normal circumstances anyway!
if you have a lid how often does the bathroom trashcan bag need to be changed really?
na-bee-eh (nadie)
nefarious stare
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#coinflip (tails)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#coinflip (heads)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#coinflip (tails)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#coinflip (heads)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#8ball (not a chance)
#smartai i believe my germaphobic roommate wants the bathroom trash taken out already, as displayed by her so rudely leaving the lid up, all thats in it is toilet paper, and its not even half full, is my roommate being wasteful by wanting the trash out before its even half full??

Your roommate's behavior may stem from a heightened sensitivity to hygiene and cleanliness, which is characteristic of germaphobia. While it might seem wasteful or unnecessary to you, her insistence on taking out the trash prematurely could be driven by an aversion to perceived contamination rather than practicality.

From a psychological perspective, germaphobia (or mysophobia) often involves an exaggerated fear of germs and contamination, leading individuals to engage in compulsive behaviors aimed at reducing exposure. In this case, leaving the lid up might symbolize her discomfort with even minimal contact with the trash bin or its contents.

Regarding wastefulness: objectively speaking, discarding a partially full trash bag is not environmentally optimal. However, if her actions are rooted in anxiety or obsessive-compulsive tendencies (which can accompany germaphobia), they are less about logic and more about alleviating distress. It’s worth considering whether this behavior reflects deeper concerns that she may need support addressing—perhaps through open communication or professional guidance.

In summary: while your roommate’s actions may appear inefficient or excessive from your perspective, they likely serve as coping mechanisms for managing her anxieties around cleanliness. Balancing empathy with practical solutions (e.g., setting mutually agreed-upon rules for household chores) could help mitigate friction without dismissing either party's needs.
i believe my germaphobic roommate wants the bathroom trash taken out already, as displayed by her so rudely leaving the lid up, all thats in it is toilet paper, and its not even half full, is my roommate being wasteful by wanting the trash out before its even half full??
germaphobic? she hates germans?
na-bee-eh (nadie)
she hates jerma
na-bee-eh (nadie)
wormies outside of very specific circumstances, I try to only take out the bathroom trash when its nearing being full, I also try to use the same sponge for two to three months, whats your opinion on that?? am i being smart and frugal and my roommie is an insane germaphobe?? or is it really that super duper disgusting to not change the sponge every week and not change the bathroom bag every few days?
i hate germs
i wash my hands like every 20-30 minutes
i wash my hands a lot too, i am just broke because i am going through leg laser hair removal right now, and i am trying to save as much money as i can without leaving the house a biohzard
i cant believe there's people on earth who do not shower for days
when i get my legs fully lasered, I will eventually take daily showers, for now the dysphoria is too great, so i only shower once a week or so
we dont have bathroom trashcans in russia, we just toss the toilet paper straight into the toilet
actually notamerican i mostly use toilet paper to flush the t oilet and close the lid cause i dont wanna touch it with my bare hands lol then i throw that in the trash, i flush the toilet paper i use as toilet paper in the actual toilet though
but as far as i know my grandparents did have one
idk if my roommies know this but the reason i have so much fucking toilet paper in the trash can in the bathroom is cause i hate touching the toilet with my bare hands
i use too many toilet paper btw
the toilet paper doesnt even have my body fluids on it lol, that my roomies get so disgusted by apparently
my germaphobia manifests differently, instead of being terrified of bathroom trash not being changed every few days, i am terrified of touching the toilet with my bare naked hands
wow i am basically the opposite of this. my sink has been clogged for weeks and its really disgusting but i dont really care lol
then i dont know why would your roommate so mad
shrimp (
shrimp (
fuck wrong chat
meow meow shrink you remind me of the dancing cat headed crabs
my opinion nibble is that going hardcore on cleaning most the house needs to only be done a few weeks to a month and not every day, especially not if its not like dishes or some shit
btw i hate stinking so much that i'd rather be poor than not showering every day
until i complete leg laser my attitude is basically, having leg hair makes me feel disgusting so not point in showerign every day until i get more laser lol
i agree. its just that id need to call dorm housekeeping to get my sink unclogged and im too socially anxious. but i dont really see messes or dirt, im way too stuck in my head usually lol
i plan on only showering once or twice a week, and constantly wearing pants and socks until i complete my leg laser, cause i already feel so disgusting physically there is no point in me having great hygiene
betrayed by the egg once again
tbh i think all em tee efs are better off living in such extreme social isolation they only shower once a week until they complete their laser hair removal, i know it can be worse because body hair can trap in scent but its just idk i am so sensitive about it
fair. works if you dont have to go outside and interact with people i guess.
#smartai is it weird i use a tiny amount of toilet paper to no–

No, it is not inherently "weird" to use a minimal amount of toilet paper, as personal hygiene practices can vary widely based on individual preferences, cultural norms, and environmental considerations. However, the adequacy of such a practice depends on its effectiveness in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.

Using an insufficient amount of toilet paper may compromise proper sanitation, potentially leading to residual contamination or discomfort. Conversely, excessive use contributes to unnecessary waste and environmental strain. Striking a balance between efficacy and sustainability is advisable.

If your approach achieves satisfactory results without compromising hygiene or comfort, it aligns with principles of resource conservation—a commendable objective in today's context of ecological awareness. However, if you find that this method leaves you feeling unclean or at risk of bacterial transfer (e.g., from fecal matter), reconsidering your technique might be prudent for health reasons.

Ultimately, personal habits should prioritize both practicality and well-being while remaining mindful of broader implications like environmental impact.
is it weird i use a tiny amount of toilet paper to no–
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
are u a simp for mewing to looksmaxx or u think edging is goated
i like mewing a lot and i think edging is amazing too
na-bee-eh (nadie)
u gotta choose one tho
.play rizz wars
.play return of the rizzler
sweet brainrot
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
wait do they not have skibidi glegle????
these are so amazing =^_^=
take your shoes off, were listening to stockhausen
Someone please help they are deadnaming the gulf of america, and we need to change the name of every continent except north and south america cause they dont have america in them, people need to stop deadnaming the other continents too, which should all be something america of course
shrimp (
europe should get renamed to east aemrica
wait why do i remember who this is
#smartai we need to stop the libs from deadnaming the gulf of america (deadnamed as gulf of mexico), then we will rename Antartica to Gigasouth America, Eurasia as Gigawest North America and Africa to Gigawest South America its not okay for a continent to not have america in its name

Your proposal is certainly imaginative, though it appears to conflate geographical nomenclature with a broader ideological or cultural agenda. Let us examine the factual and historical underpinnings of these terms to provide clarity.

1. **Gulf of Mexico**: The name "Gulf of Mexico" has been in use since at least the 16th century, derived from its proximity to Mexico and its historical significance as a body of water bordered by what is now the United States, Mexico, and Cuba. Renaming it the "Gulf of America" would disregard centuries of established usage and geopolitical context. Geographic names are typically determined by international consensus through organizations like the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) or national authorities.

2. **Antarctica**: Antarctica's name originates from Greek *antarktikos*, meaning "opposite to the Arctic." It reflects its position as Earth's southernmost continent. Renaming it "Gigasouth America" would not only erase this etymological history but also create confusion in scientific discourse, where precise terminology is paramount for global collaboration.

3. **Eurasia** and **Africa**: Eurasia is already a recognized term combining Europe and Asia into one landmass due to their contiguous geography without clear natural boundaries separating them fully. Africa’s name derives from Latin *Afri*, referring to inhabitants near Carthage in antiquity, later adopted by Romans for the entire continent. Proposing names like "Gigawest North America" or "Gigawest South America" lacks both historical precedent and logical coherence, as these continents have distinct geological, cultural, and political identities unrelated to the Americas.

Geographical naming conventions serve practical purposes: they facilitate communication across cultures, sciences (e.g., geology), navigation (e.g., maritime charts), education systems worldwide—and require careful consideration before alteration so as not disrupt existing frameworks unnecessarily while respecting heritage embedded within such labels over millennia sometimes depending upon region involved specifically speaking here about our planet earth which we all share together regardless personal beliefs ideologies etcetera ad infinitum...
we need to stop the libs from deadnaming the gulf of america (deadnamed as gulf of mexico), then we will rename Antartica to Gigasouth America, Eurasia as Gigawest North America and Africa to Gigawest South America its not okay for a continent to not have america in its name
i support deadnaming the gulf of mexico.
my fellow patriots i have more troubling news, the oceans dont have america in their names what can we do about that?? surel atlantic and pacific ocean are deadnaming them
sorry my mistake by the way, the proper name for so called "Eurasia" is Gigaeast North America, and Africa is Gigaeast South America... idk what to name the oceans though.
sea of america
i cant believe that they actually went through with the renaming btw, this is such an insane timeline
yeah i am genuinely surprised by that, its obviously an ego thing, and unfortunately seems to be closely associated with the fact, fascists never stay in their lane cause if they were fascists they wouldnt respect the concept of staying in their own actual territory
oh shit my wormies i just remember i grew up in new mexico, i wonder if they wanna change that states name too lmao... would be sad if it really happened
you know whats interesting nibble is my mother who was born in new mexico traveled to oregon just before i was born, i wonder if it was maybe partly to protect me from like bigotry about where you are born, i still almost exclusively grew up in new mexico though
i am technically oregonian but basically new mexican
i guess if you are a parent from new mexico going to another state before giving birth can, actually be an important part of protecting your children from like, general societal bigotry
are people from new mexico really discrimited against in the us? i was joking lol
not to the same degree of people born south of the border obviously, though the word mexico definitely makes the bigots get edgy and its often called the forgotten state
yeah thats undeniably true now
america and lets just say umm, certain people from south africa who are not lacking in money
certainly youre not refering to elon musk, greatest inventor and philanthropist of our time
apparently south african fascists and usa born fascists really really really like each other, which is very horrifying
heh. i get that, my parents are afd simps and they went to sa a couple of times, and they got even more "redpilled" there. figures
yeah theres a special type of really bad racism in south africa and it has to do with the fact of, white south africans being a big numerical minority made them especially fanatical with their racism basically
dont white farmers get genocided in south africa?
thats their narrative yes. theyre just being disowned because theyre a small minority but they basically own the entire country.
also remember how fashes went from, complaining they are forced to "respect pronouns" and complaining they cant call others the pronouns they want, and now in schools they are trying to make pronouns they dont want illegal???
it went from them claiming pronouns politically correct or something, to making government mandated deadnaming of trans people
i dont understand the debate, isnt everyone in america legally female?
according to their horrible scientific argument yeah, tho i wish we were an exclusively female scifi esque nation that'd be amazing
I want a far future all female version of the usa to come and forcefully assimilate me i would not complain at all
no why would they be communist. just because a state can disown you doesnt make it communist lol
its really telling that fash dont want trans people to be able to change names, yet they want to forcefully rename the gulf of mexico lol
did you know ids used to not have genders on them, and they were given genders in like the 1970s out of paranoia about peoples gender expression becoming more unisex?
in the us?
cringe. thats really stupid
we could of course, rename the united states, the southern half to Northern Mexico, and the northern half to Southern Canada... i like that idea
all the countries in the world belong ot america
this is a FACT
they probably want to name MARS a fucking part of america at this point
i dont like the fact that there are countries at all. it should all just be economic zones
shrimp (
ive decided. canada is now going to annex america
i want to transition into a southern canadian by turning the north us into south canada
shrimp (
we're taking ALL of america
.play attention were taking over
sweet thank you shrimp, please annex me, and please bring me into a pro trans canadian camp for muricans who wanna be assimilated by canada
