γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
so like a monk who dedicated their life to service of the poor for basically no recognition and at the expense of their own living conditions?
well yes for example
because the happiness they get from doing that thing from a belief that it will get them into the kingdom of heaven outweighs the sadness from living in poverty
hmm i dont think religious people are supposed to do good things because it'll get them into heaven, they're supposed to do good things to glorify god or something
yeah and their belief that theyre glorifying god while doing those things is loading them up on a bunch of reinforcing positive neurotransmitters
fair. but you've changed the goalpost so far at this point that we've essentially switched positions lol
I dont think i have ?? wdym
Your argument is that society isnt altrustic. I think it is altruistic because it is materially cooperative. you say that's not the same thing, because some people do altruism for nonmaterial purposes. i say every purpose is material, there is only material.
you've basically argued that altruism is the same thing then looking after your own rational self-interest, and it just happens to have a good effect on someone else. if THATS you're definition of altruism, then i agree. it's just a very very bad definition of altruism
well i think you're missing the part that my fundemental belief is that altruism is hard wired into us because it is basically our single biggest survival strategy and the reason we as a species rule the world
what do you mean
i dont understand how thats not like. self proven
How do you think technology exists without specialization, how does specialization exist without cooperation
what do you even mean by altruism at this point
altruism is taking actions that dont materially benefit yourself as much as others before you consider ur brain telling u to be happy about jt
why should you, as a farmer, give food to anyone else?
so according to you, if I build a real-estate empire, and gift you a house because doing that will severely disadvantage the competition, I am being an altruist
A non altrustic animal will see a big pile of food, too big to eat on its own, and eat as much as possible and hide the rest even if itll go bad before it can eat the rest because any sharing is just helping the competition. an altrustic animal will go get other animals of the same species, usually the same individual family, and share that food because they hope that the other members of that group will do the same for them and their overall fitness will be improved
because you need idk everything else?
yes because of altruism
altruism is working together instead of competing
thats cooperation actually
what is altruism to u then
something that's just not motivated by your own self-interest at all, with maybe the exception of feeling good
that doesnt exist
Why is feeling good an exception thats how weve evolved to incentivise that behavior
i dotn care about the subjective feeling as much as the action
again -- not necessarily, you keep claiming this
also please answer >>139720
i dont understand this at all
what competition
my competition on the real estate market
that is not a real thing idk what to tell you
LMAO what?
I get a strategic advantage over another real estate company by gifting you a house -- does this make me an altruist
thats not what competition is in terms of evolution
what does that have to do with reproduction
what this analogy is so far gone
in what way is it far gone?
in what way is it connected at all to what we are talking about
im not trying to be rude i genuinely dont understand
I am acting out of my self-interest, but it has an "altruistic" (nice) effect on you - does that make me an altruist
i think we are using the word very differently im reallt not concerned if *a* person is an altrusit at all, I'm concerned with if our species is altruistic as a survival strategy, which we objectively are
a person is part of our specicies
we share resources instead of competing for them
don't dodge the question though, please. does that make me an altruist or those it not
i dont care if a single person is an altruist or not thats not what im talking about
it's not about the person, it's about the action. if I gift you a house out of my own self-interest, am i altruist. because if it doesn't, then cooperation during survival (while exchanging good and services) is not altruistic
i genuinely dont understand how this relates and i dont care if it makes you an altruist or not this is getting really far into the semantic weeds
we are very poorly adapted to survive as solitary individuals but when cooperating as a group we are the dominant complex organism on earth
"i don't care " is not a very good argument, i am not convinced
im not trying to make any argument about whether or jot a hypothetical real estate agent is an "altruist" because using it to describe the personality of an individual is a very different thing from using it to describe the survival strategy of a species like ???
okay then let's use the example you mentioned above: if I am a farmer and give you food so that I can buy idk electricity, am i an altruist
this is ridiculous
in what way
the fundamental principle of our survival is rational self-interest, not altruism
not necessarily, from where does that follow
because if you werent an altruist youd come kill me for my electricity if it were a tangible resource
not compared to other animals.
name one animal that cooperates with its own entire species one one-hundredth as much as humans
no they kill other ant colonies of the same species basically on sight
so do humans
no we specifically set up a bunch of international laws not to do that and its a huge fucking deal when anybody does.
it's working great
better than ants yeah.
now I fail to see what this has to do with the point
if an ant colony bumps up against another one they will fight as a rule.
No matter what.
If a human city bumps up against another human city, 99.999999999% of the time they start fucking trading instead
I think cooperation is necessary for survival, but that cooperation just doesn't come from altruism (whatever that means to you), it comes from self-interest
that is altruism
cooperation and altruism are basically interchangable when u talk about evolutionary biology and thats what we are talking about
that's what YOU are talking about. I am coming at this from more of an economic sense. but i don't think we even disagree too much on this, it seems to come down to definitions.
this is a semantic argument
economics is fake
there isnt a single biological organism to exist that isn't exclusively self interested that is what evolution guarantees
>t. scientiscm fag
>economics is better than science
if thats the hill you want to die on then lole
again, I agree
better, worse... it's different.
have a nice night.
it's afternoon tho
and i dont actually care how your day goes, its a polite way to say I'm done with this :p
seethe lol
i on the other hand hope you have a nice day. because i am your friend. and i love you. like a sibling
>post deleted
modmagic omg
.play we buy golf clubs
mikes golf
wjere we niy gp;d
thats right
we uy golf clubs
we niy gp;dm opfmot
mnikes golf shop
,oles goplf
com eon over here
we gubuy gold clubs
we buy gfol clu bs
come ond own here
mikes golf
we buy golf clubs
we buyh gofl csalu
we uby golc fucxlu lvvcx
we buy golf bluc
we buy golf clubs
how does he do it
no idea
a true master at what he does
very rare in this day and age
thats me
waking up with my hair all messy. i hate it
morning wormies
#kiss gm sis
.play its my liitle foothills mountain
#ksay aprilllllllllllll
#ksay aprilllllllllllll
#ksay aprilllllllllllll #ksay aprilllllllllllll #ksay aprilllllllllllll
she is playin war thunder now
i actually havent played wt in months... i been playing wow
#ksay aprilllllllllllll
and terraria
thats so nice sis. good that you're not frying your brain in that sick game.
now go fry ur brain on wow
#ksay aprillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
.play little foothills heaven
im listening
replacing one drug for another...
avowed is freeleech btw
but is it good...
idk yet, ive been hearing some mixed opinions but it seems really interesting
ig ill try it out
might get some good seeding from it too since it fl
yes im poor
that's not what I was saying
what are you saying
also the song was good
i'm saying you're one of those... with low... storage...
yes because im poor
you're not poor anymore
i've decreed it so youi're ot
oh sweet
thanks for the money
no there's no money
then why do i have a transfer in my bank saying its from booker
for $55000
i don't like kaos repacks tbh
but there's nothing else out :(
someone please give me a milly pls
i will become cyborg
why dont u like kaos
I think a lot of cooperation is genetically /memetically advantageous but not actually good for the current organism. having kids shortens the life span but humans are driven to do it for instance
itβs good to recognize people arenβt just βgoodβ but people try to frame things as βself interestβ and it falls apart
yeh I like this and then we just make ourselves feel good enough after doing it we keep the belief up and the world is happy!
why do you like kaOs
im ambivalent
let's say it's over and i don't have any chances to look like a girl
would it be a good idea to try to look like a pretty androgynous critter
like David Bowie or smth like that
he was really pretty when he was young
id say just do the best you can to be who you want
do u think david bowie was pretty
or ur
kinda ya
ambivalent towards his beauty
id lean towards pretty
muffin gle
i need context for that picture like
exactly my thought
why is the muffin floating
why is glegle kinda floating too
glegle is telepathic and using their powers
#oracle ()
ok lets give it a second chance
#8ball (signs point to yes)
ut right
ur always SO rude to me it's insane
what did u do to you
that's u
you slap me all the time what do you mean I"M rude?
i'm gonna play avowed :D
ur like my dark version
that would be so cool if we dressed in opposite color outfits and had an epic sword fight with big music
#ai is clueful a word
yes, clueful is a word. it means being knowledgeable or well-informed about something. it's the opposite of clueless. pretty handy when you're trying to describe someone who's got their wits about them, right? is clueful a word
how do you figure out how you want to be though...
#editai change how to who
experiences and introspection ig
combat really fun so far
can't be a loot goblin, disappointed
interesting start
i have looked inside myself and found nothing
muder doesnt pay it seems
i don't understand our phallocentric culture. its so offputing
i hate it.
masculinity was a mistake we should go back to the goddess worship and to the matriarch society.
we should go back to monke. female monke if you prefer, i couldnt care less
.play beatles its ok to leave your dog in a hot car
.play defiant jazz
.play shakey jakey
.skip (video skipped)
.skip (video skipped)
why did the beatles weat suits arent they supposed to be rebels or something
i would melt
coke/pepsi etc taste horrible if you think about it, its just that everyone pretends it good and everyone goes along with it
its sugar water and it tastes like sugar water
no it doesnt
it tastes horrible, i love it
yes it does
i think this is the case. i don't like coca-cola and its variants.
go and drink sugar water then
i often do
#check (checked) em
#smartai how likely is it to develop cancer under the age of 30, considering 10 years of smoking and drinking
The likelihood of developing cancer under the age of 30, even after 10 years of smoking and drinking, is relatively low compared to older age groups. However, it is not negligible, as both smoking and alcohol consumption are well-established risk factors for various types of cancer. The risk depends on several variables, including genetic predisposition, intensity and duration of exposure to carcinogens (e.g., number of cigarettes smoked per day or amount of alcohol consumed), overall health status, and environmental factors.
### Smoking:
Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, at least 70 of which are known carcinogens. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer but is also strongly associated with cancers of the mouth, throat (pharynx and larynx), esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney, liver stomach cervix colon rectum etc Even in younger individuals prolonged exposure increases cellular mutations that can lead to malignant transformation While most smoking related cancers manifest later in life due cumulative damage there have been documented cases among young adults particularly those who started early
### Alcohol:
Alcohol consumption metabolizes into acetaldehyde a toxic compound that damages DNA proteins lipids increasing susceptibility malignancies Chronic heavy drinking significantly raises risks oral cavity pharyngeal esophageal breast colorectal liver cancers Synergistic effects between tobacco use exacerbate these dangers For example combined smokers drinkers face much higher odds developing head neck squamous cell carcinomas than either habit alone
### Statistical Context:
According American Cancer Society approximately % diagnosed patients fall below years old Nonetheless certain aggressive forms like leukemia lymphoma testicular melanoma thyroid more prevalent this demographic Lifestyle choices such excessive intake accelerate onset precancerous conditions Moreover epigenetic changes induced substances may prime body future disease decades down line
In conclusion while absolute probability remains modest relative peers abstaining harmful behaviors undeniable fact engaging activities heightens vulnerability Especially concerning given longer latency periods typically required tumors form grow detectable levels Therefore minimizing cessation critical reducing personal burden morbidity mortality associated preventable illnesses how likely is it to develop cancer under the age of 30, considering 10 years of smoking and drinking
>According American Cancer Society approximately % diagnosed patients fall below years old
so useful
i want him to be my minister of economy. he will do a good job
#smartai how can i tell if i have a limited ability for empathy
Determining whether you have a limited capacity for empathy requires introspection and an understanding of what empathy entails. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings, perspectives, and emotional states of others. It involves both cognitive empathy (understanding another's mental state) and affective empathy (experiencing an emotional response to another's emotions). If you suspect your empathetic abilities are constrained, consider the following indicators:
1. **Difficulty Recognizing Emotions in Others**: If you struggle to identify or interpret facial expressions, body language, or tone of voiceβkey components of emotional cuesβthis may suggest challenges in cognitive empathy.
2. **Lack of Emotional Resonance**: Affective empathy involves feeling moved by others' emotions. If you rarely experience sadness when someone else is grieving or joy when they celebrate success, this could indicate a deficit in affective empathy.
3. **Challenges with Perspective-Taking**: Cognitive empathy requires imagining yourself in someone elseβs situation ("theory of mind"). If you find it hard to see things from another personβs viewpoint or dismiss their experiences as irrelevant, this may reflect limited perspective-taking skills.
4. **Indifference to Others' Suffering**: A lack of concern for others' pain or distress might signal reduced empathetic engagement. This could manifest as apathy toward social issues or difficulty offering comfort during crises.
5. **Overwhelming Focus on Self-Interest**: While self-interest is natural, consistently prioritizing your needs over others', even in situations where compassion would be expected, may suggest underdeveloped empathetic capacities.
6. **Feedback from Others**: People around you might notice patterns before you do. Repeated comments about being "cold," "distant," or "insensitive" could hint at perceived limitations in your empathetic responses.
7.**Difficulty Maintaining Relationships** : Empathy fosters connection; its absence can strain relationships if partners feel misunderstood emotionally ignored .
8 .**Low Scores On Empathy Assessments** : Psychometric tools like Interpersonal Reactivity Index(IRI ) measure different facets including Fantasy Scale(Perspective Taking),Empathic Concern etcetera scoring lower than average here provides objective evidence regarding oneβs level
It important note that having some these traits does not necessarily mean pathological condition nor should stigmatize individuals who exhibit them Many factors influence development including genetics upbringing environment trauma neurodivergence such autism spectrum disorder(ASD) certain personality disorders also associated reduced levels
If concerned seeking professional evaluation psychologist psychiatrist provide clarity guidance tailored interventions improve enhance overall well-being interpersonal dynamics Remember everyone capable growth change cultivating greater awareness intentional practice foster deeper connections those around us how can i tell if i have a limited ability for empathy
.play goblin laugh sound effect
damn goblins
april don't copy me
i didnt
you did
i did it backwards and i used 2 zeros
numbers are my thing
you can't use them anymore
ok fine
i already let you get away with copyright infringement by having the post number next to your name, don't make me take action is all im saying
i already let you get away with copyright infringement by having letters in your name, dont make me take action is all im saying
nuh uh
#ksay ass
yuh huh
.play tears from the compound eye
lori defend me!
old lady april is bullying me
i fucking hate my parents i hope they die
i fucked your dad
no accounting for taste
i never said i had taste
there was never a need
just realized i have so much stone on my territory and i can just keep exporting it to my neighbors forever, and they pay very well too
i basically get unlimited money and hookers
haat game?
songs of syx
stone empire
quarry moder
right now might be the perfect time for me to disappear
what why
shrimppp i made the farm marble biome and now its printing pizza. i made a pizza farm.
im far enough away from my family and i dont have any connections in this city, i could just get on a plane tomorrow and be gone forever
its a really high tier food it will help with bosses
i wish real life couldpizza farm
maybe i shoudl order pizza today hmmm
you should
burger pizza
noooo lol not burgersss
omg u called me a hag <3
white spinach pizza and pepperoni pizzaaa and buffalo chicken pizza and ravioli vodka pizza hmmmmm
traditional american delicacy
avowed is taking so long to instal...
damn, i can't believe this game already launched. i remembe seeing the trailer on e3 years ago.
whats the size of the game? 500gb? lol
good morning
tis a good game it seems
i hung out with people irl for like a week straight and now my social battery is completely fried
lori april is bullying meeeeeeeee defned my honor
u started it. if u stop annoying her she won't bully u
just 70gb installed
r u enjoying it
i stopped playing it for now
that means you hate it...
no, i just am busy but the combat is fun so far