「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
meant to be two different videos sorry :(
.skip (video skipped)
why is it ok to have your dog euthanized by a doctor and not yourself. i feel like it should be the other way around
#ai what is the current date and time? Do not offer an expanation, just the the answer in a simple form.
i don't have real-time data access, so i can't provide the current date or time. check your device for that info. what is the current date and time? Do not offer an expanation, just the the answer in a simple form.
#ai what is the current date and time? give your best guess. Do not respond with anything but the date and time, do not explain why you are unable to be accurate.
2023-10-05, 14:30 utc. what is the current date and time? give your best guess. Do not respond with anything but the date and time, do not explain why you are unable to be accurate.
Weird, it said october 26 before
#ai what is your most recently dated piece of training data? Please give year, day, and hour.
my training data goes up to october 2023, but i don’t have access to specific dates or hours. it’s like a library without timestamps on the books—i know the shelves are full, just not when each one was added. what is your most recently dated piece of training data? Please give year, day, and hour.
because vets actually know how to do it properly
lol you would know a lot about vets april
whoa i love this ambient music hits me hard in the nostalgias purr
well yes thats why i want them to do it on me too
im gonna bite my lip balm
oh i thought you meant you wanted to put down your dog yourself
yeah you would be against that wouldn't you.... given your... condition
i think there is something paranormal going on and the cat has supernatural psychic levels of awareness
what condition
you know woof woof right like woof like bark right?
i dont
i mean come on you know
.play wide putin original song
#ai whats the point?
the point is to find meaning in the chaos, create value from the void, and connect with others along the way. existence doesn't need an inherent purpose—you get to define it through your actions, choices, and relationships. life's a sandbox; build something that matters to you. whats the point?
you will never outlive being a puppy
you literally even immediately defended dogs as soon as they came up it's like a reflex for you
i didnt defend dogs i defended why professionals put them down
you're still trauamatized from all of your vet visits huh
#ai cant wait to wake up tomorrow and stare at my screen all day
ah, the modern grind. staring at screens is today's version of gazing into the abyss, except it stares back with emails and memes. hope your pixels bring you joy—or at least a fleeting sense of accomplishment. cant wait to wake up tomorrow and stare at my screen all day
likely story you dumb mutt
im literally a shrimp
nuh uh
the modern grind..
nonners i saw something that made me think of you
ah, the modern grind.
booger are you gonna play ow2 with me or what
oh this..
it's like a star wars fight :D
ugh mexico going to retake the stolen lands
ive never seen star wars is it good
did anyone see the latest severance episode
im kinda getting bored of this show
yeah i dropped it after episode 3
season 1?
its a nice space opera
terrible taste it is the best show ever
havent watched s2 thooo
.skip (video skipped)
woof for me and maybe i'll consider it
haven't watched any season
im a dps player i dont do that
then i won't.
your loss
if you bark i will consider it
what do you think of the inverted color flag my wormies??? i am starting to become more and more interested in it
.play illegal drugs in my garage
hell yees i luv how fever dreamy and bizarre this is
i love the bizarro version of what used to be such a cringe song all reversed
this board currently has file restrictions in place
cursed barbie
this is way too high it should be 9,001
i miss it being lower
admin fix it now
purge the thread
purge this anon
.play illegal drugs in my garage
.play illegal drugs in my garage
.play illegal drugs in my garage
.play illegal drugs in my garage
hello sweetheart <3
lmao this is so gud
gabens room is cozy
so heartwarming <3 <3 <3
thanks ryan
bonne journee
bone jaw
Thanks Ryan
thanks ryan
merci ryan
merci bowcup
nonners you should move to france
move to france
why should i move to france
do you not want to?
whats in france
a cool country
so you're gonna move there?
.play you should go to china looper
yes, tomorrow
hell yeah
ill c u there
nvm changed my mind
#say dick 'n' balls
#ksay cut off
what the fuck is her problem?
oh hell this was me from my mobile phone
i thought i have set the nickname but in fact i didnt (
its over
no it's fine
it's not like they won a majority
the only good news is that fdp aswell as БЗВ are probably not gonna make it
plus merz said that there wouldn't be a coalition with the afd
so thats nice i guess
yea but merz is a fascist himself
and he will esentially act out the afd's shit without forming a coalition with them
as bad as the afd?
#ai translate to english: "Merz hatte in münchen beim wahlkampfabschluss seiner partei gesagt "links ist vorbei. es gibt keine linke mehrheit und keine linke politik mehr in deutschland." er werde politik für die machen, die gerade denken und "alle tassen im schrank haben" und nicht "für irgendwelche grünen und linken spinner auf dieser welt" er kritisierte die demos gegen rechtsextremismus, zu denen in den vergangenen wochen hunderttausende menschen in dutzenden städten gegangen waren"
merz said at his party's campaign finale in munich, "the left is over. there’s no left majority and no left politics in germany anymore." he claimed he would make policies for those who think straight and have all their *cups in the cupboard* (i.e., are sane), not "for any green or left-wing nutjobs in this world." he criticized the recent protests against right-wing extremism, which had drawn hundreds of thousands of people across dozens of cities. translate to english: "Merz hatte in münchen beim wahlkampfabschluss seiner partei gesagt "links ist vorbei. es gibt keine linke mehrheit und keine linke politik mehr in deutschland." er werde politik für die machen, die gerade denken und "alle tassen im schrank haben" und nicht "für irgendwelche grünen und linken spinner auf dieser welt" er kritisierte die demos gegen rechtsextremismus, zu denen in den vergangenen wochen hunderttausende menschen in dutzenden städten gegangen waren"
ah that's a bit nuts
but wasn't merkel fine? and this was her party right?
idk jack shit about german politics tbh tho
cdu under merkel was VERY DIFFERENT than what it is today, also merkel would've pulled the same shit circa 2005ish
like they have no values, they're a blank canvas for idiots to portray crap onto
anyway, time for me to get a job in tech ($$$), save up as much as i can and fuck off from here lol
idk don't they have have to form a coliation with the SPD or the greens basically? if they ruled out the AFD?
so isn't the only option essentially an early election from an untenable government or like... not being as radially evil
yea something like that, but this will just like.. fuel crap even more
im thinking long term here, 5-10 years
ahhh i c
why did he respond to ryan
also he is based for forcing jagex's hand to not put ads in runescape because they are so dependant on steam for new sales now
also gaben is fucking based for pushing steamdeck so hard. I love them. never had one, but the fact they run on linux means proton is great now and everythibg works on my machine without any fiddling
valve is certainly the lesser of evils as far as companies go they do a lot of good pro consumer things
i really like how steam now shows when games dont get updates for a certain period of time, also there was a thing about prepurchasing dlc passes where they had to properly state whats going in it and stuff
>snowing again
why not? its ryan
i dont want to go to sleep
its snowing as fuck wish i had someone to go outside with
come to france then
thanks ryan
thanks ryan
come to france
#editai change france to brazil
don't use that word that's my word
omw to brazil
theres so much snow wtf
in brazil?
everything is white outside
thats racist
im a racer
what kind of car do you drive in your races
the one with the, you know
the race
.play silicon valley gifloyle racist
.skip (video skipped)
what is that thing
you know its bad when i star