γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
phillipson ketamine penis is a good scifi man
im writing that down
ill check out breakfast of champions
yabba dabba doo
into the death note with me yay yay
no no im gonna steal it for a name in one of my games
oh fuck yeah
mm yeah those books that need a lot of mental focus to rly get all the good juice outta them, those are hard to read sometimes.... eyes glazin over the page and you just know u ain't getting all the details
time travel guide sounds silly n neato i like it. how to build atom bomb so you can kickstart ww2
i p much exclusively read books on my lunch break so anything that takes a lotta effort, or is not super engaging, ain't gonna work....
but i can also trudge thru all sorts of shitty books by just reading like. a page or two a day
nikola tesla autobiography sucks ass in this context #themoreuknow
he wrote an autobiography?
kinda, he wrote a bunch of essays abt his life and his inventions and ideas and those got published in magazines and shit at the time he was popular
the book i read was like a collection of all of them. was cool to read about his childhood and his whacky visualisation (man could just see shit in front of him, like the opposite of aphantasia. super phantasia. idk)
but the second half of the collection was like him talking about all these amazing inventions he was GOING to make, and how they would blow the dick out of everything that came before, but you as the reader have like a century of hindsight and the shit he's talking about either 1) doesn't pan out at all or 2) is like. just fine. not really crazy
he had an idea for a war machine that was a blimp with a single line of metal wire running allll the way to the ground, but not quite touching it
he theorised that if you ran a gigafuckton of power thru that wire it would basically incinerate everything below it because of electricity magic
that's about the coolest idea he talks about
america has fallen...
although ironically it is the exact thing i was looking for
they know the market, they are inside ur braainnn
thats going in my game too thats rad
nice aliasing anon
are you using one of those offshoot firefox-like browsers?
i heard that anything non-firefox/google/safari is like autoblocked from cloudflare robot shit
excellent monospace vibe
idk if it would actually work but he seemed confident it would
he was like "this device would inspire such fear that it would prevent wars, for were one nation to declare that it were sending the electricity blimp to another nation, the defender would surrender immediately"
just threaten to nuke everyone and peace is guaranteed. perfect technique
those anus dot com thought zines are getting out of hand
i feel like well the biggest problem is its really easy to shoot down blimps nowadays
mhm just hindenburg that mf and no more electricity noodling
there's a mighty loud commotion goin on outside my apartment and idk wtf is happening
lotta yelling and chanting and horns and shit
peep outside the window
i force it on every site, so much nicer to read.
yandex has the best image search for people tbh
they're far enough away that i can't seem em.... sounds loud doe....
whoa double text
nvm visual glitch
it is happening
at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow... somethings happening...
the time has come
and so have i
nothing on my local subreddit. the internet has failed us all
looks like i'll have to ask HUMANS in REAL LIFE about this
.play desgustang
sghdfhdfhagjsfgjhdghsjsfgjhddfashsdfjhdfhhgsffdghsfgjghhjsfghdfgjsgfdhsdfhadfgsdfhjgshasdfhdfgjhfdhgsdfghsdfghsfhfgjsdfdhgfdfgjsfdhdfgjdfghsdfghdfgjfghdsfgdsghfgjdsfgsdgfjhfdjfgdjfghdsfghsdfhgfjfdjhasdsdfgdhsfgjsgjhsdfghsddfgsfghdfghdfghfgdsghsdfgdsfhgfdsghsdfghdsfghdsfghsdfghdsfghdsghdfgjdfhasfdgsdfhfdjgfddsfhdsfhhsdfhdfsdsfhsdfhfhsdgdsfhdhfshdfssdfhhsdfdfhsdfhsdfhshfsddfshhdfdfdfhdsfhdhsfsdhfhgdddfdfddfshdfhsdfhsdhfsdfjsdjfdfjdfjsdfjsdfjsdfjsdfjssfjdsfjdfdfjsdfjsdfjsdfjsfsdjffjsdjfdfjfjsdsfjdfjdjfdfjdjfdfjsfjdjfdjffjdfjdfjdfjdjfdfjsdfjsdfjdfjdfjsdfsjdjfsdfjdfjdfjdfjsdfjsdfjdjfdjsjdjjdfsdfjsdfjfjdsdfjdfjsdfjdfjdfjdjsfjdfsdjfsjdjdfjdfjdfdjfjdfdfjsdsjfdjfsdjfsjdfjgdjdgsaeasbbub6bueb6eb6bbr6b6bburbrb66re66b6u6bbbbbbbbb6r6r6rb6rbtkyeykyektyktetykeyktekytkytkyetyektykteykteyketeyktkyetktyeetykktyektyetkeyketytyketfiiftitdidiridifitftifuyfdtyjjyyjjrdrb6ued6tun5im67b56ye45un57imy7in56yv45ebuytyiur78mm08y9l098,o67be54eyv5tvgfddtgumn67i67,9r6795n7u54wvw54tystyudtum856bu4u6vdghbe56n87e89m6e57ue45ybe45yne658mr78ibe54dy5yve45ybdrtbufgyjb67b 45w7b6un5ywh456wgrth
lol i hit f5
permapurple swag
im the phone with customer support on hold very fun
tiredpilled sleepmoder
take the restpill
is the hold music any good
sometimes it can be abanger
no its awful
aw no rip
the worst ones cut out the music suddenly and then have robot say "thanks for waiting. ur very special to me" and then resume the music
.play the absolute worst music on youtube
.play dick n balls
dick n balls
balls n dick
now we're innovating
i dont wanna lose youuuu
this is definitely the worst song/video
.play wake me up cover beth
>uploaded in 2006
>this is what they took from you
too sincere..... oh dear....
that was super easy and fast actually
shit singing but kind of a cool song actually change my mind
idk why they cant send the thing for resetting my pin to my actual phone instead of an email adress but w/e
would certainly be better with better production, not terribad
maybe something security................
no bad production is based actually
yeah but like i call in and ask to change it they just ask for ym name then send a code the my number anyways
the lyrics are ass
the code also never was sent to any of my emails
reminds me of that album made by these isolated kids who had literally never heard music before, but had instruments and made their own songs
what is the video even about
i think ive seen this posted on /mu/ before now that you mention it
it's definitely a mu-tier meme
it's fucking true
these kids walked so beefheart could also walk (i don't like cpt beefheart)
im sooo tired
lets go TMM
its 8 pm no
im at work V_V
call in a bomb threat and head off early
can u do it for me
sure gimme a phone number to ring
.play zach hill practicing
sorry i never learned my numbers
this video used to be posted on mu nonstop lol
that's ok..... phone numbers are really big anyway they're hard to count up to
thatβs really morally strong of you to hold yourself back from having the power to do evil
Iβm going to forget every word so I can never say any bad things
i can see why
mu is so predictable in what it thinks is cool and epic and they're honestly not that wrong
forgetting how to swear so as to remain pure of heart
>noooo its bad nooooo its goood
lol ok so
>need to pay for phone plan online
>card asks for verification code form my phone number/
>my phone plan is expired so i cant verify
ordered some subway for you can you pick it up
thank u no im on the wrong continent maybe sadchan wants it tho
ill take it
swag it's in new york
oh thats quite a walk
subways open for another few hours i think
i just hope it doesnt get cold by the time i get there
its good excersie
i put my 'ways in the fridge anyway so it's fine, i like em cold
i usually have to microwave my sub
disgusting post
man's going nasty on those drums to be honest
.play nice job team
eh im bored
.play reviewbrah bothered by zach hill's drumming
gnat-sized attention span!!!
its true...
does reviewbrah live near zach hill lol
no lol
the video got me
i'm snagged
i havent had a subway in ages...
they're not very good from what i remember
just seeing reviewbrah makes me hungry for fast food
dont they have like plastic in their tuna or something someone found
extra vitamins (microplastic is a vitamin)
the plastics in my brain make me happier
he's in the pocket of big mac
many such cases
.play bad luck to kill a sea bird
fuck youtube
.play alessi brotherse sea bird
.play hark triton hark
.play no illegal drugs on my property wewoweoo
i'd watch this film
hello darling
.play no illegal drugs on my property wewoweoo
i like that it has black bars on top/bottom AND left/right
.play no illegal drugs on my property wewoweoo
.play no illegal drugs on my property wewoweoo
.play chinese man singing into a hole in the ground and hitting someone in the head with ice as they reply
.play aphex twin sekonda
i leave you with this
good resting nonners
hi c:
how are you doing this fine friday eve
gooooood wbu
i'm chillen & viben & keepin it tight u know how it is
this mf hunts monsters
i was so mad i missed the first beta test
\\ a wizardess enchanting a tree
\\surrealist landscape
\, monster hunter
that is clearly a friend of monsters, not a hunter
\ LLVM Dragon
dragon riding a dragon
it's porygon
holy shit porygon
a hind leg appears
thats not a leg π
its his tail
\seven porygons
he's becoming round
agi has gone rogue
\\best buy sales kiosk
.play tim hecker chimeras
doggy porygon
\\a udsboqwi jdsdf ewdui3289 udwunfiow iowfo uedf u239 u dfuo v23rn890aso;c owc[msdo cu w ilsdc,js v>>>??
yeah altight
is that a fucking two
maybe :3
dont be silly theres no such thing as 2
.play futurama no such thing as two
there is only 1
aw i liked that song
0 isnt real 2 isnt real only 1 is real there is only 1
no such thing as nothing
the psych appointment is schedules during the onlyfangs mc raid this is cringe
how do you explain this
its just many 1's
the things we must do for the brain chemicals
im gonna miss people dyyying
ok.. alright........ you win this one......
this ONe heh π
why not record it with your tv recorder thing like they would do in the ye olden days. rip it to vhs
what is he smoking
he smokin that green
.play [link removed]
? ?
>link removed
>played anyway
very weird indeed
maybe the link scrubber works after the wormwatcher
are u on a new ip perhaps
laufey is very comfy
yes im on the pc at another house of mine
how many houses do you own?
this mf got multiple houses
real estate mogul
im gonna ban them for being a landlord
thatd be doxxable...
ok im gonna evict someone then, just some random person
not my problem
i dont actually care about people i just hate people who are doing better than i am
and every landlord is
same. i own no houses btw
spite is as good a fuel as any
raid shadowlegends
i actually think less of youtubers that take rsl sponsors
i saw that and tried to click the link and you made a fool of us
what its just pen island :)
i already have sponsorblock thank you
yeah i got it recently its amazing
usd to manually skip them lol
same, having them auto disappear now i can't imagine going back
one of those paradigm shifts that u don't realise you need until you have it
perhaps you have become the monster after all
kill them
later this evening c:
very talented
smog smog
shrimp shrimp
booger booger
What the fuck
sry freudian slip
>doesnt know
i'm gonna get pizza hut april
are you jealous
not really
pizza hut is mid
you're um
i got a 100 and a 99.5 on my last 2 math assignments r u proud
fuck yes i'm proud of you
its really easy cause im super smart at math and its also open book
goood jobbb
shader compilation for monster hunter wilds has taken over 7 minutes so far and it sonly half way done
congratz you're almost ready to fly those planes that bomb kids in syria now!!! huge
my dream job <3
i actualy did wanna be a jet pilot when i was younger
gotta make sure the shadows on those scalies are extra crisp eles u can't nut
forbidden elephant
the poachers can have that one
part of this dance is building 1 bunker per living person lmfao
an important component of not caring is also caring very much about ur citizens and their basic needs
you spend time making systems that allow you to not care very much in the future
yees exactly lmao
their wartime strategy is "everyone fucking disappears and to all outside observers the entire country looks like a bunch of automatic artillery hidden in the swiss alps"
"don't bomb me or each one of my citizens will fire their government issued rocket launchers"
"nobody here but us ducks"
(ducks means guns and snow)
and they found a way to make money off of it. which is cool i guess but it also involves working with the nazis or whoever is the current evil guy so..
man i evidently know nothing abt swiss wartime antics
yeah their whole thing is making the value proposition of invading really really fucking bad
basically nothing to take, enough defenses to be a pain in the fucking ass plus you have to climb a bunch of mountains to do it, and if you decide not to invade they will be a bank 4u
hello trannies
good evening nonny
my leg hurts
dip it in no-hurt-juice
are you talking about mormons
was applying the girl juice and it hurt. gonna take ibuprofen now lol
based as fuck. all war should be economically unfeasible cause that shit sucks
better, the swiss
anon hates the swiss
I read a book about the near future
praying for u speedy recovery
earth, by david brin, and it features Total Swiss Death
nooo rip switzerland
its really cool yeah, but the whole "nazis and allies are literally the same thing (ppl with money who need a bank" sort of puts a damper on the whole thing....
It also includes a war pitting most of the Earth against Switzerland, fueled by outrage over the Swiss allowing generations of kleptocrats to hide their stolen wealth in the country's banks.
ok kinda based actually
i guess the power of having a lot of money infra is getting to be friends with everyone, nice or nasty
yeah, it's very good for themselves for sure
but like idk definitely giving up morals a little bit to refuse to ever like denounce anybody no matter what they do
mmmm it certainly has its downsides..... i guess u gotta be impartial in that situation when everyone knows you as the cool chill bank country
politics is so stinky
yeah i mean i dont blame them i just think it's a pretty cynical worldview but i mean fair enough you gotta look out for yourself somehow
u stole this from. i didnt give u permission to download my memes. smh.
uncomfortable how some of this is me ...
didn't watch saved anyway #lol #rekt (118) nerd
this is not the whole thing also it's ephedrin based which is very outdated and the government monitors ephedrine very closely now
#owned (119)
anon gets up to some stuff in their downtime
i wouldnt know loll
im not a chemist i just think its funny
ye lmfao it is
every university chemist has made illegal drugs btw, its a cultural thing
based tbh
i see a lotta youtube chemists making all sorts of crazy shit and i just know they're cookin up some fucked up shit offscreen
oh now this is nasty hell yeah
also small amounts of banned explosives
just in case
comes in handy sometimes
i mean the thing about explosives is its really not about the quality as much as the quantity
mmm like bombs being measured in kilotons of splosives
yeah kilotons tnt is the usual measure
look at this cat
but like the really high grade ones are only like 2-3x stronger than the really cheap messy ones
we have explosives at home
>exploisives at home: