rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

me voy a mimir
na-bee-eh (nadie)
Its gonna be fun tbh
But im just in a time crunch
oh rip gone already
hoi, how are you?
@opworm new paging feature prevents us from searching in the entire thread
we JOB to thread searches....
lol and lmao and rip anony..... i've tested ff android beta and it works fine for me so might be something wrong w/ur keyboard
im very togglepilled i think we should just have a massive settings menu and have all of these things be options. It does increase maintenance and compatibility work a lot tho...
toggles make da world go round tbh, user customisation is necessary imo when diff choices are mutually exclusive.....
work go up is the unfortunate consequence of UI + UX improvements
at least in this case, the old "show entire ass thread" format used to be used so could be slapped back in
but.... 30k post limit....... will be ouchie.... to load @ once
at the moment the dev cost is kind of absurd compared to the userbase, like a whole number percent of active users are also active developers, i think stuff like this might make a lot more sense once we have more users
altho i do agree, and for whatever my opinion is worth i will support togglepilling the site :3
true, it sure ain't urgent or a priority..........
we will shift the toggle-overton window and make dreams reality!!! toggles for all!!!!!!!!
#riskflip (heads) #riskflip (tails) #riskflip (tails) #riskflip (tails) #riskflip (heads) #riskflip (heads) #riskflip (tails) #rekt (122)
government stooges are turning the guatemalans trans
fear not cove holden for i am here i have a doctors checkup routine one today
gud meowning anon
#ksay cove holden
3.285% booger!boymodewng
now you've been disappeared
3.283% booger!boymodewng
3.278% booger!boymodewng
Farewell and adieu, hereinafter referred to as "the termination of all present interactions and engagements," is hereby executed pursuant to the regulatory statutes governing conversational disengagement protocols, thereby effectuating a mutual cessation of communicative exchange, in perpetuity, until such time as a subsequent reinstatement of dialogue is duly initiated.
Where is my ancient persian and calculus
we used to have someone who went by the name cr0w who left all sorts of amazing voice messages, also loved leaving voice messages in anon mode
damn deepseek is NOT schizophrenic enough
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
sometimes i sleeeped and sometimes im awakkeddd :D :D :D
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
gm melon gang
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i feel like i just summoned a ghost or smth like this is the ring but an audio clip please dont kill me
My psychic influence must have gone back in time and told opwormie how cool toggles are
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i miss robin williams he was a cool guy :(
krissu 👹
aaaaaaAAAAAaaAAaaaaaaaa frens i thought i had a 3 month supply of all my medications but i only have like 2 more weeks of spiro
krissu 👹
i gotta speed run figuring out how to get more in finland
i like sad things
just stop doing spiro so you even need it after years of Hrt???
i like sad things
Your balls should be inert
krissu 👹
but they can come back cant they...
i like sad things
not really if you are on a good regimen of hrt
i like sad things
t. mono E with no AA
krissu 👹
idk i just switched from injections to pills again cuz pills r more common in finland
i like sad things
oh damn :(
i like sad things
i would see if you can still do injections because injections are just better
krissu 👹
ya but they dont like to prescribe them here
i like sad things
even still idk if you even need an AA at this point. your T should be annihilated
krissu 👹
its p low in all my tests but still... scary... i kinda wanna keep taking aa's just for peace of mind
i like sad things
spiro has awful health effects is it worth it to spress normal female levels of test?
krissu 👹
idk i dont ever want that stuff back in my system
i like sad things
i get that. i couldn't do spiro it almost killed me
krissu 👹
ive tolerated it p decently
i like sad things
mono E chads rise up
krissu 👹
i guess if i can figure out a place to get diy hormones from i could switch to mono
krissu 👹
hmmm i know someone in the uk who diys i'll ask her
i like sad things
ask hrt gen on 4chan they normally have good advice if one is up.
i like sad things
i do think of you are years on hrt though you probably shouldn't need an AA anymore because you aren't making test.
i like sad things
your whole body should be on the estrogen operating system
jokes aside as a mono e person, ive been off bica for like over 2 years now and my t has never went up
i like sad things
my understanding is the reason doctors started proscribing AAs is it makes the regimen take faster. once your are years on HRT you have no androgens to anti. the estrogen will keep your balls deactivated
>put something lumpy in my drink
>drink it
>wtf theres something lumpy
i like sad things
also you could always consider an orchi if u haven't had srs
i like sad things
i want the snibbidity snabiddidi toilet but i can't afford :(
Its a fucking racket. do you know how much it cost to get a dog neutered? Like 45 fucking dollars. Do you know how much it costs for a human with the SAME EXACT FUCKING MEDICINE AND PROCEDURE AND LEVEL OF SANITATION AND CARE??? Like thousands of dollars FOR NO GODDAMN REASON ITS THE SAME THING ITS THE SAME EXACT THING IF THERE WASNT FURRY DOG THERE THE SURGEON COULDNT EVEN TELL THE DIFFERENCE UNDER THE IPERATING SHEET THINGY
krissu 👹
ugh i want orchi so much is such bs the eunuchs of yore lived long healthy lives so why is there even any like gatekeeping around orchi just let me yeet that shit
krissu 👹
i wonder if i could find a back alley veterinarian to do it
i like sad things
yea... that's like all medicine though


krissu 👹
ummmm mayyyyybbbbeeeeeee all the trans stuff in finland u have to go through this one clinic with like a 2 year wait time
i like sad things
well step 1 should be to get a doctor and regular medical care lol
testicular torsion and get admitted to the ER and run out on the bill and ignore the bill collectors they arent allowed specific details about your case because of HIPPA violations and also it wont lower your credit rating. Unironically you can run out on medical debt your entire life and suffer exactly 0 repercussions except annoying assholes call you or show up at your door sometimes
i like sad things
i did this for a stab wound then tried to pay it 8 years later dnd it didn't exist anymore
it sounds like a good idea but i think im too much of a coward to give myself testicular torsion
i like sad things
did you see the John Oliver bit where he bought like 40 million in medical debt for 40k usd and forgave it all? sent all the people a letter saying there debt was forgiven.
yeah its worth jack fuckint shit because the debt collection agencies dont even get to see what its for and if they do you can sue the doctor for gross hippa violations and win more than the price of the debt.
they get your name and a dollar number and thats literally it
i like sad things
debt trading its something that should be punishable by death
If you just simply say "no that's not me and this state has castle laws and i am heavily armed and extremely litigious" they will run like the scared little fucking babies they are
i like sad things
apparently people still win legal battles all the time if they do to court over it, because its legally true you have no financial agreement with whatever scam company buys your debt
i like sad things
sometimes its based being American. we are a violent and insane people, kind of like Russians
yep. And if you go through the motions like you genuinely will sue them then theyll drop your case because its not worth the effort
they rely on scaring you but at the end of the day they are private citizens and they have zero authority over you and if they do anything illegal they can be areested for it
i like sad things
they just want old people to pay
>Massachusetts 278-8a Section 8A. In the prosecution of a person who is an occupant of a dwelling charged with killing or injuring one who was unlawfully in said dwelling, it shall be a defense that the occupant was in his dwelling at the time of the offense and that he acted in the reasonable belief that the person unlawfully in said dwelling was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon said occupant or upon another person lawfully in said dwelling, and that said occupant used reasonable means to defend himself or such other person lawfully in said dwelling. There shall be no duty on said occupant to retreat from such person unlawfully in said dwelling.
Switzerland defense just make it clear it will be an uphill battle for basically nothing, and theyll drop it and go away
"i will shoot you and then sue you" has always worked for me
ok but all of this goes back to step 1: giving myself tescular torsion. idk i dont like pain
yep stand your ground is shitty and used to justify a lot of terrible killings but medical debt collectors aren't people and the buddha doesnt care if you kill them
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i had a dream this morning i had a few dates with a guy and it was going well and then i went back to his place and we ended up having sexx and then when he woke up and saw me candidly with my hair all messed up he vomited because he realized he had sex with a man :) thank u brain hehehe
we should pull all the worms out..
i smell a deleteposter...
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
delete poster :3
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
no no i mean like, i know people find that annoying im not trying to do that..
i've never seen u do that
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i try not to but i think it every teim
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i can never enjoy this meme because the reeses puffs commerical is so funny and hype to me that its all i can hear hehehe
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
idk what reeses puffs are im european
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
you know reeses pieces candy?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
very famous brand in america, like centuries old
idk i dont think i ever saw them around here
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
well Reeses Puffs are basically that made into a cereal
ah, its like peanut buttery?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea well... its basically candy cereal. yes we are fat hehehe
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
come to NYC we will have a bowl of sugary cereals as a treat
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Okay silly story time:
8 months ago I made a post on a youtube short about a new york pizza place saying 'New York Italian guys like this make the best slice, sorry thats just how it is! :)'
And I still get insanely malding replies from northern italians saying sicilians arent people like every other week or so LMAO
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
like and I reply to all of them like LMAOOOO italians think they own pizza get that shitty bread ass looking outta my face FR
Making c*s uncomfortable is gods will
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea I get replies from like 'If you actually come to italy and see a guy whos skin is this dark you will know we do not call these people as Italians'
if i woke up and realized i had sex with a transer i would be like THANK FUCKING GOD i thought it was a nightmare and i accidentally did sex on a cis
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
italians try not to be racist against their own people challenge level: impossible
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
literally the italian city state civil wars are still alive lol
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Yea so its literally just italian dudes malding over
1. all the americans calling the italian guy italian (we call people who immigrate here what culture they come from very often, like peopel identify really strongly with their heritage in america)
2. our pizza is better than theirs

SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
American Pizza > italian pizza
americans are better at pizza because they have no inhibitions about it. americans will say fuck the sauce, fuck the cheese, we're putting apples and cinnamon and sugar on this and calling it apple pie pizza and it's fucking immaculate. italians could never comprehend the idea
that being said, i once had a pizzahut pizza in my life, and it was AWFUL
it's like a tomato cheese cake and its awful
better than the flat nyc slice
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea I have no problem iwth italian pizza hehe. its good but its different. and most plcaes in the world emulate a NYC style pizza not an italian one

WRONG. WRONG. INSANELY WRONG. i bet you dont even like it so oily that there is just orange juice DRIPPING outta the damn slice. I bet you dont even walk down the block with that shit folded in half fr fr. if you cant eat a pizza while walking and eating IT AINT A PIZZA GET THA FUCK OUTTA HEREEE
nah soz i like my pizza to fill me. pan pizzas are a personal fave, i know this is a dominos pic but ive made a few irl and it was always worth it over traditional
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
this looks good, I would def try this
sometimes i kind of love america so much
>but ive made a few irl and it was always worth it over traditional
tsk tsk
i just hate our government and everyone who wants us to be only wh*teoids
Thats not real america
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yes. America is insanely based its just locked in a battle over its soul between normal people and rightoids.
Real america is a bunch of violent insane freaks from every country on earth all getting together to love guns and being fat. thatsr real america
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Nah, that's not trueee. America is something built by waves of immigrants. its literally has a texture and identity like nowhere else on planet earth. its one of the few places you can move to and truly say "im an american" even in trumps rightoid shitty world.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
there are lots of amazing and wonderful things about america even with all the bad thingsss im america pilled and I pray for my country to overcome this dark moment in our history and culture....
krissu 👹
ya as much as i kinda dont like the way america has gone i still like the idea of america :<
krissu 👹
altho i kinda feel like the more u peel back the surface layers the uglier it gets... rly the american ideal has never existed, its always just been something we use to justify our way of life
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
kind of. an insane amount of american identity in the last 15 years is just foreign interference. its really fucked up. the entire right got psyopd by russian and isreali military shitposters. i legitimately 100% believe this. the DoJ last year busted a shit ton of rightoid podcasters for being paid hundreds of thousands of USD to spread anti tranny propoganda from Russia. Tim Poole was a big one, he was literally getting paid by russia as an agent to use his platform to spread divisive rhetoric (which was the biggest platform that Trump ran on btw)
America's REAL culture is hyperindividual capitalism like your neighbor making moonshine whiskey and selling it out the back of his broken pickup truck. Corporations and wage theft and shit are deeply antiamerican and sinfun
ive been blackpilled about america ever since remembering all of the awful shit they allowed happen in south america this past century, and that's just one of many instances of fuckedupness. it's hard not to see it as this cold husk of nation
YEEHAW FUCK THE LAW is what real american hillbillies and patriots say
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I think thats actually not true. Like free slaves and immigrants have fought and earned their place in our country and that IS the american dream. like the progress we have made is hard fought and we should take pride as americans in the progress we have made and fight not to lose it.

i mean except for the fact that trump one and it is so over #itsover (124)
did you know a bunch of american moonshiners went to WAR with the IRS
They did a big standoff with guns and shot the fuck out of the IRS because they wanted tax money for their moonshine so the government tried to do prohibition and it didnt work because we are fucking alcoholics and its our god given right to make booze and not pay federal taxes
krissu 👹
idk i kinda feel like thats american brainwashing... to me it feels like the american dream has always been reserved for the most privileged members of our society, and its only been through struggle and strife that it has become available to more ppl

idk maybe, but like individual capitalism hasn't been a thing in ages, mainly cause globalization and unification of efforts is like cheaper / more profitable than having individuals do anything on their own
individual capitalism still exists you will NEVER catch me buying weed from a legal dispensary i buy it from the weed man who grows it himself to feed his illegitimate kids. it still exists alive and well in the heart of our great nation
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i genuinely think like even the poor people in shitty states still have a better QoL than MOST of the world, but also imo that didnt exist when the country was founded. the country was founded by rich white guys who wanted to not pay taxes and owna bunch of slaves. but the fabric of america changed forever after we had WAVES and WAVES and WAVEs of immigrants from europe, china, central and south america. and many of those people do come here and not only live good lives but become wealthy and influential people. the american dream is alive because we still have MILLIONS of people trying to live here and make it.

the american dream isnt the american reality. its the american dream, its what makes people come here and become americans.
krissu 👹
i think there was a time in the last century when the quality of life for the average person went up precipitously, and for a while maybe it was one of the better places to live for the average person... i dont think thats true anymore though, the greed of the ruling classes has led our leadership to pillage and gut the institutions that once made it a great country
no luxury thats bougioise and also non america
Gay is america and being a lil bit communist is america but luxury is a fucking scam
krissu 👹
its true that ppl make it but i think there is a strong representation bias... so many ppl get chewed up and spit back out by the american system and we just never hear of them, but (and this has been getting more and more true over the past few decades) the gains of the few successful ppl are made on the suffering of the rest
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
1950s america. literally the last time true socialism was in power. FDR and his new deal unironically was insanely based and everything you would want lol. it was just eroded by baby boomers for personal enrichment
we need america to undergo a horrific economic crash so we can get our own personal fdr of the 21st century
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
thats PART of the american dream though
the ILLUSION of meritocracy is an extremely core american principle.

Even the most racist rightoids still reserve spots for "the good ones who earn it" in their fucked up coping minds.
i fucking hate humans the guy next to me on the bus is watching facebook shorts without headphones what the fuck is wrong with people i hope he dies
krissu 👹
i dont think rugged individualism works :/
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
no but its part of the dream, that you win the rat race. not everyone can be a billionaire, to be a billionaire you have to step on the corpses of your enemies and destroy thousands of lives. america is a place where you can DO THAT. xD
krissu 👹
if u ask me there should be no billionaires.. the american dream shouldnt be a lottery, it should be something practical that everyone can achieve not through luck but through earnest work
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
glare at him with potent side eye and also cast a curse upon him
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea but thats not the American dream tho.

the american dream is a wild and crazy place where anyone can become rich and evil hehe
krissu 👹
it is to me.. the wealth divide in this country wasnt always so pronounced, i think the system has been transformed over the past few decades and we've been conned into thinking this is how it should be
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea I agree. I mean I am very socialist. I believe in high taxes, redistribution of wealth, inheritence tax, conservative fiscal policy, and abandoning our addiction to line go up. I believe in a strong bearocracy and federal employment and I believe in DEI initiatives and civil rights protections. and tbh we have had those things. its just they are being torn down now and I legitimately think a huge part of that is an intentional foreign attack on american identity by interests that want us to collapse from within
krissu 👹
ya thats prob part of it, but i think the ruling class here is also largely to blame for the way things have gone/are going
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea pretty much. idk what form of government we have as long as people have acess to basic resources like Education, Housing, Medicine and Food in good quality. The government doesnt really matter its how that government is run. Its in the small details not the big ones.
krissu 👹
the rich have been consolidating their power and their hold over our society more and more and it has been at the expense of everyone else
the american dream is a vague concept to keep the clock ticking
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
that is true pretty much everywhere in the world except a few select places though unfortunately :(
the consolidation of wealth is a global problem. its really bad in china and russia and EU as a whole as well.
it practically just serves as a hope for people who work way too hard in comparison to their pay
krissu 👹
sure maybe but in america it is becoming particularly egregious, maybe not as much as say russia but its getting closer and closer
you cant remove luck from the equation its impossible, also just cuz u work hard doesnt mean u should be rich, i can work hard on something that no one cares about and no one is obligated to pay me for it
krissu 👹
you cant remove luck but by designing the system better you can make luck less of a determining factor in one's ability to lead a decent life
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉

what I hope for is a new FDR type president to come along and rebuild the country similar to FDR. but to have an FDR we need a dustbowl and great depression. which means we have to let Trump (herbert hoover) run the country literally into a global catastrophe that collapses the entire world economy before we can rebuild again.
krissu 👹
im not saying u should be able to be rich, to me the american dream isnt being rich its having enough
sometimes history isnt cyclical and we can break out of these molds
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i agree but unfortunately trump literally won so
>i cant work ard on something that no one cares about and no one is obligated to pay me for it
i disagree, like being able to tell "what is important" and what isn't is really hard, and you may just create something that has a HUGE value in the future.
I know I'm just saying there's other ways out of bad situations than waiting for things to get terrible and then get 1 good leader ever for one moment in time and have things improve a bit before they start the steady descent into madness again
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
give him INSANE side eye and cast a curse upon him
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
as a civilization? yes. as an individual? idk not really. Progressives unfortunately have to be slaves to the democrats in america for just a shred of political power. there isnt really anything anyone could do to make dems win this election because they REFUSED to be hard on isreal. its that simple.
it's possible to do something else too
the best example for this would be the mathematical field of number theory, around ~1800, people wouldn't care about that in the slightest, but it's pretty important nowadays.
Like uproot the establishment
not many of them that don't sacrifice your own life in the process but,,
I'm just saying it's possible
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
he wasnt an insane gangster willing to murder his way to the top in a power vaccum. duh.
all im saying is mario is my new brother in law
i just wish trannies werent targeted thats the only thing i care about
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
we need solidarity with other minority groups unironically the idea between the BIPOC pride flag makes sense. we are both targeted by these conservative powers we need to band together. accepting the discrimination of brown people in this country if its okay for trannies just means they wont move to help us when we are under the gun. solidarity is important.
even if it was just enough for housing + food, i'd be pretty happy to just work on things that i deem to be for 'the greater good'
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
literal rap cover shit lol wtf did the mayor think he was doing here lmao
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
smells like LAW and ORDER baby

eric adams is such a mook lmao
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
idk I think in the US there is a lot of solidarity between POC activism and LGBT activism. its a very close overlap that agrees on almost all the issues.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
united healthcare is suiing the doctor who made a public post about her breast cancer surgery being interrupted by an insurance agent telling her that UH wasnt paying for anymore anesthetic.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
sounds like we need another luigi tbh
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
they havent learned their lesson lmaooo
I cant find it but theres that one old renaissance painting of christ being taken to the crucifixion by the romans thats framed basically exactly the same as the perp walk photos
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
My fellow Americans, if the American Dream never existed... let us build it. If the American Dream was a fantasy... let us make it a reality. Let us rise up as one people, link arms and march into the future united. My fellow americans, let us for the first time... build America!
i think the POC activism part is mostly progressive and doesnt take into the account the values of the broader black community in america, which tends to be more conservative then you think
what is the european dream
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
nah black people arent conservative. homophobic, yes, but not homophobic in a 'strip your rights' kind of way.

t. went to 90% black school
okay but thats less and less true of younger generations, young people of color are basically universally leftists whereas young white men are still like 55:45 republican:democrat
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
and by black people I mean, the majority of black people as shown by their voting distribution and my personal anecdotes.

obviously no group is a monolith
yeah and this its a lot less destructive in the ways it does manifest compared to the white "we must destroy the enemy shit" its more just like "haha yucky gross go away" and i'd rather the latter any day
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea if cowboys want to bully their kids for acting gay at any point like thats bad but thats different from a concerted political effort to demonize all of LGBT as a fascist movement thats coming to groom your kids and rape women and gay marriage is child abuse etc. its literally different.
Id rather be made fun of than fucking killed
i can deal with my dad being shitty, i cant deal with the state and all of its resources trying to eliminate me
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
if said cowboy votes for biden hes better than a conservative who acts nice to your face and puts trump into power
you should be paid to be able to work hard, not because you work hard (unless generating value), for example you can have ubi and you can work hard or not thats your choice
i know and i want to make it clear im not against black people because of that, i just think it needs to address the toxic masculine traits it inherited from daddy america
yeah i dont fully understand wyy even tho i have researched it for some weird reason young white men go far right very easily idk all the exact reasons why, and yes its mainly white people who like actually try to make it illegal to be lgbt, like the legislative transphobia and legislative homophobia stuff, in spite of the fact interpersonal transphobia/homophobia is more evently distributed across racial lines
aaaaaahh!!! i get it now, i didnt see your edit prior..!! sorry for misinterpreting it, like the exact opposite way.. D:
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i mean it kind of makes sense. conservatism became the new rebellious subculture. unironically its chaotic and rebellious now to be conservative so it appeals to young white guys in a way that young punkers and anarchists was popular in the 1980s. my dad was a punker and from the sounds of it all his politics pretty much amounted to 'what go him laid' and now hes a magatard that started with him being mad about having to pay taxes.

whites have a deep cultural ethic? motif? to be different and hate their dads. if their dad is just a normal guy who supports centrism its going to push you right if you want ot be different.
if i could turn this earth into a smoldering pit of fire i would
so in this case you mean, the odd and terrifhing thing about young white men who are way more far right than their dads
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea, but its like how in the 60-80s young white men where far left. i think young white men just want to be far something and change the world because that kind of rebellious and combatitive attitude is built into white male culture.
yeah black homophobia is more like "no homo" whereas white homophobia is way worse cause it is more like "You need to be arrested for being gay"
krissu 👹
#cat /ᐠᓀ ﻌ ᓂマ
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
#catbounce >^•-•^<
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
#fish 🐟
krissu 👹
#fish 🐟
thanks for reminding me that its monday and i have to get some of that girljuice into my thighs..
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i have to do my shot today
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
it would be better to do it every 5 days butt its a pain to do it every 5 days :(
i did my shot last night o_O
ive been doing every 7 days but umm i was two days late this time o_O
yeaaaaa that tends to be tideous, im sorta oscilating between 7-9days EEn (mostly cause i sometimes forget)
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i def get tired on the weekends because of low hormones so I supplement with sublingual
my levels are fine though, cause EEn gives you enough wiggleroom so it's all gonna be fine
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
trends are powerful okay, who do you think watches andrew tate content? 14 year old white boys, unironically lmao. not wanting gay people in video games and UFC is literally a pipeline to the alt right.
krissu 👹
i bought een
krissu 👹
i had been using valerate up to now cause thats what i was prescribed
the abstract concept of turning into a nazi cause "GAY PEOPLE IN MY VIDEOGAMES?!?!?" *moidrage* is like.. weird and funny at the same time to me
i was a bit chuddy at 14 years old but it was mostly just a fear thing like i had to say homophobic stuff to avoid getting beat up is how i felt, and two laters later at 16 as my dysphoria skyrocketed I very very quickly left the far rightist chud mentality
krissu 👹
oops meant to say but i saw an ad for it yesterday
krissu 👹
i had the other pizza i posted yesterday tho c: finland has this pizza chain i like called koti pizza
krissu 👹
aw i can kinda relate i was never rly chuddy but i was raised thinking that lgbt stuff was hush hush and i was scared to even learn abt it
irony aside im glad you immediately sidestepped that line of thinking.
i kinda get it, i used to have like weird takes if you'd asked me, but deep down i kinda knew it was wrong and i was just using it as like a coping mechanism to distract myself from my own reality
yeah the dysphoria of untreated male puberty after two years of secret research of lgbt people at 14 caused me to sidestep away fro mthe far right attitude at 16, cause i knew all the far right stuff was to blame for me being trapped in a body that was betraying me
krissu 👹
ugh i wish i had educated myself abt lgbt ppl i didnt rly until i found out what transition was and by then i was 20 :/ the closest idea i had was eunuchs and castrati lol and i read a whoooooole lot abt them but everything i read said oh this was an antiquated barbaric practice that isnt done anymore
oh yeah soon as i saw eunuchs in documentaries i wanted to become one it was just i knew i couldnt diy it and couldnt get my orchiectomy until about a year ago
krissu 👹
my orchestra teacher taught us abt castrati kinda just as a funny joke when i was like 12 but from that day on i was like O_O why cant i do that????
ever since i learned about male puberty as well as testosterone and eunuchs i knew i had to get an orchiectomy because i was terrified of testosterone disfiguring my body and leaving me chronically depressed forever
r9k??? tell me more??? interesting cuz that board is usually not trans related afaik sounds like good luck >>124906 i remember krissu i was never interested in and never gave a shit about drag queens, cause drag queens dont usually do anything to get rid of their testosterone, so it was weird i heard so much talk about drag queens throughout my life yet eunuchs fascinated me and made me feel way more inspired
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
.play [YouTube]
look at these silly little guys. the cambrian was so wierd...
idk it was several years ago at around 2018/2019 where the femboy lust was at its peak. i remember hearing about hrt and trans people on the board but it always struck me as an impossible standard until my best friend at the time started a discord server full of lolcow robot people. which ended up turning into a trans server after they began posting invites on /mtfg/
idk if i should leave my house and meet up with some frens today
id need to go shower like now
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i found out about trannies at like 14 or 15 because I had a friend who liked anime a lot and browsed /a/ and somehow I ended up on lgbt and saw the mtf thread and I was already reading gender bender comedy manga from japan then i found out about hormones and got really excited and told my parents and my dad said I was making this up as a way of manipulating him and making him feel bad and called me a faggot and then he a few months later he assaulted me and kicked me out. so I made a plan to transition as quickly as I could and 15 years later I did it and now im a hon :)
i mean things are so grim and so bad now even drag queens are hated now, but like afaik its always been way more taboo to be a eunuch than to be a drag queen, cause, i mean, a lot of far right men have a ton of anxiety about the orchiectomy procedure existing
krissu 👹
imagine the taste...
a lot of my early closest trans buds were from r9k
krissu 👹
awwww omg i found out abt transitioning in 2019 too like right at the start of 2019 because of a meme on r/tf2 lol
i wish i never repped tho lol
krissu 👹
im so sorry thats horrible
lmao, i mean my disdain for male puberty is what caused me to quickly leave the far rightoid thing when i was 16
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
he almost died and tbh i was kind of mad because I havent seen him for 3 years since transitioning lol
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i want him to see me so that when he dies he knows im a faggot
krissu 👹
aw weve been on hrt abt the same amount of time sounds like were a similar age too
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
im a little older than you
krissu 👹
we're transisters c:
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
krissu 👹
when i came out my parents were like well we kinda suspected this and i just thought gee thx for helping guys
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I feel like we are similar type of transwomen too the super self hating dysphoric type lolll
me too that sounds awful >>124944 yeah so many of us and for some reason almost always trans women more so than trans men, our transitions get delayed because our lives are so violently out of control for so long generally
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yeaa... like, not having a family to invest in my going to school or having a normal life just puts you 10 years behind everyone else. it really sux.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea actually hes a perma virgin at 30 lol very wierd guy but nice enough. was very aggressive about gendering me correctly and stuff which was kind of nice hehe
i remember sadchan i knew i needed to get an orchiectomy by the time i was 16 years old, and i almost got an orchiectomy in my late 20s, i ended up getting one finally in my 30s and fortunately with almost no testosterone in my body past my late 20s, i was scared as fuck about like you know not getting fixed
>very aggressive about gendering me correctly
aww thats kinda wholesome..
i lowkey wish i had someone in my life whom i knew like for a long time.
I didn't really have a social circle irl prior to like moving away and transitioning.
so idk what it's like.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i dont talk to him often like .5 times a year but hes an interesting person. last time I talked to him he was talking about the next time he visits japan he wants to visit a brotherl but was really scared too lmao
my childhood friend became transitioned to being a man
i've known him since we were both in primary school
i prevented my body from any more masculinizing at around the age of like 27, and got my orchiectomy one year ago, i lived in terror for so damn long, i'm glad i stopped getting testosterone in my body at 27 instead of like 50 or something which was my deepest fear
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
better late than never T_T
it really didnt accelerate for me until like the YEAR Before i finally could get on HRT. not all late transitioners are because they 'didnt realize' until they are 30. i knew from 10 i just couldnt access it. :(
i know that, most trans men start transition from like 18 to 25, meanwhile most trans women start transition at 30, and i think its cause the double standard of violence, i technically transitioned slightly earlier than most trans women at 27
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
call any white man short he will chimp out even if hes 6 5 lmao
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i feel like cats and dogs do this because they are evolved to have spatial awareness through their feet because they cant see behind them so its literally like blinding them
I was able to start transing at 27 just because i finally got lucky, i even almost got an orchiectom yat that age
idk past your puberty it's more about genetics than it is about age anyway, like i started at 20 but idk.
maybe it's worms, im not sure, but i really feel like im really bad off.
i know the feel sadchan, of wanting to transition since like puberty started yet not being allowed to its a horrible feeling, i transitioned only slightly earlier than you, and it was mainly cause i finally got lucky i took some risks and it was worth it, i couldnt transition any earlier cause i had so little control over my life and there was so much violent literally violent gender policing
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
this is a FUCKING MYTH and is NOT TRUE. the masculinization that occurs in mid 20s is insanely potent.
besides people have been cutting off their penises for centuries.
well i cant deny that, a lot of the clusterfuck we are in is because of all this anxiety about white birth rates, anxiety about people who are desperate for white birth rates turns into transphobia very very quickly
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
its both but to say if you missed puberty it doesnt make a difference is insanely disingenious. you continue having new terminal hairs all the way to your 50s, most mens bones keep growing until 25, you put on large amounts of muscle in your late 20s, male pattern baldness is a life progression and you can have irreversible hair loss, male patternvisceral fat deposits can take decades to decades to die off.
Like I'm a regular guy and I remember that my voice didn't drop until I was like 14
actually the bones can keep growing until 50, not most of the bones but some of them, thats the reason why like, a lot of us, our greatest fear is the thought of having to start transition at 50
yeah the john50 meme... its an mtf dysphoric nightmare, and everyone who became a john50 is a victim of extreme injustice, like literal john50s most of them ended up that way because of extreme transphobia
*zaps you with the john50fication beam*
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Saying if you missed puberty it doesn't matter is a fucking like, dangerous myth that can fuck transwomen over very badly. Its always better to trasnition earlier if you ahve the option to do it safely....

sry i wasnt mad at you more PTSD from literaly regards on /tttt/ spouting off about what makes a 'lateshit' with no understanding of the changes the body goes through in your 20s.
i mean, from that point of view, i think you're right, sorry for speaking about things i dont really know that much about
I love reading 4chan's lgbt board as a regular guy because they're arguing and nitpicking about each other is highly entertaining. I've never seen such a dramatic group of people
>sry i wasnt mad at you
i get that, but i still think you're right upon reading it again and reflecting on it^^
transitioning during puberty is ideal, but transitioning at 30 is still much much better off than having to transition at 50
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
and 20 is much better than 30. the more time you live with T the worse it is. it continues changing and molding your body for your entire life until around your 50s when your hormones taper off.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
are you trying to transition??? no get on HRT Now!!! lmao
anon you want my advice, better to transition in your mid 20s or 30 then at 50
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
All the memes about Twink death are directly applicable to trans women lol
i would recommend anyone with androgenic dysphoria to not allow their body to keep getting disfigured until they are 50
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
if you dont tranistion you will experience 'twink death' and stop being a boy and become a fucking actual man
nah you don't want to see that
i have done nothing so there is nothing attractive there
yes twinkdeath, ever since i learned twinkdeath existed and shit i knew i had to prevent it from happening to me
i think i still look pretty young. like im not white so that may play into peoples view of me
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
tbh for fem gays who want to preserve their looks i think its totally valid to take HRT to prevent twink death xD
i am so glad i dont have balls anymore cuz those things would have eventually given me twinkdeath and made me into a john50
valid point tho i read horror stories of like a trans women who went into a coma and qanother trans woman in prison denied hrt and they both heavily masculinized and thats when i came to the conclusion hrt isnt enough i need an orchiectomy
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I agree totally lol.
Bodymoding should be normalized and considered based.
However, that shouldnt distract from trans people who need it to treat dysphoria.
There is a difference between Gender Affirming Care and Cosmetic Treatments and I will fight to the death on this issue.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Philosophy Tube please KILL YOURSELFFFF
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
very fair... I just want SRS though.
i remember when i was in grade school the later grades, and they had puberty class, and told me that my body would basically eventually turn into a john50 bod, and that a lot of the john50fication was gonna happen in just a few years, and i was scared as fuck. i was horrified when i learned androgenic hair existed and that i was about to develop it
everyone ages. i feel like a lot of people want to remain a virile 20 year old forever and that trying to stop it is an affront against life
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i dont mind ageing, i just want to age as a woman :(
just looked at vids of his, wtf, i kinda cant believe that hes 47
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
well aso I dont want to age too lol i guess
that's kinda weird. I still remember in secondary school they took the girls to watch the old walt disney movie about mensturation and the boys watched some like 1990s tape about puberty during the lunch time and it was very boring like just figures and diagrams about like your voice changing and the descending of the balls
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i had a textbook on it in a class called health class. we covered male and female genitalia with like in depth graphs and such and also it had sections on drug and alcohol addiction and a bunch of other topics like that. basically just a class on understanding how to make healthy safe choices I think classes like that are important. i was very like ahead of the other high school kids on understanding that stuff though so it was really boring but I see the value for someone who was insanely sheltered
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
did u delete post?? xD
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i didnt see it, but you cant overshare more than me hehehe
I dislike this guys lighting setup
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
dont bully jammi pleasee
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
worrmie tube is poppin
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
dont eat guac before u sleep
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
lmao u had the guac sweats
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
.skip (video skipped)
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
.play [YouTube]

russians and their wierd dogs
i saw a red light underneath my plate of food and i thought i was actually losing it but it was just my phone
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
echidnas are such silly guys
tbh i just feel like androgenic aging is a lot more, idk feels extreme compared to estrogenic aging, theoretically i wouldnt wanna age past young adulthood, but i would choose estrogenic aging over androgenic aging any day
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
look at this silly irishman doing wood crafts
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
very wholesome man
theres something sus about him...
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
hes wholesome
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
hes not a rapist or into wierd porn or going to harass minorities online
hes killed someone for sure
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i hate men
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
ur right
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
its possible though, that the person he killed, was worthy of death
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
a healthcare CEO?
i keep finding pics from when i had no idea how to take care of my eyebrows
i still kinda dont know, but its better at least
My favorite things about estrogen are, no androgenic hair/mpb stuff, and my cheeks and thighs seem to be getting progressively bigger iwth time, my mother had very thick thighs and very thick cheeks and the longer i am on estrogen the more it seems like my thighs and cheeks expand, which makes me feel way better than becoming a john50
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
>never pet a seal
this is fucking big sea lion propoganda
you draw them on after
doesn't look right most of the time unless you have a steady hand
hah i dont have a steady hand, its so bad that i can not read my handwriting a day after i wrote it
so i just dont do it and use a keyboard instead :3
maybe i should learn how to do steno, it seems like a fun hobby, to be able to type like 250wpm
you know whats interesting sadchan is that the average male body actually has more genetic mutations than the average female body, and like well, a lot of what i like about estrogen is it just, it feels a lot less extreme to the human body than testosterone for lack of better term, the stuff it does is nice, and it feels less holy shit yes it is me anon how did youy know??
im giggling about how you knew it was me i find it touching and hilarious for some reason and now i am curious how you knew
your typing style is very unique and easy to tell apart from others
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
im on sealtube :)
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
nice command very nice :D
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
oh they castin a SPELL
kitty here gonna play sum planetside 2 to keep my vrain occupied while waiting on my doctors checkup, i really really love all my cherished wormies, you wormies never change and are the nycest people
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
#catbounce >^•-•^<
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
#catbounce >^•-•^<
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i like that game its funnn but its only fun like 1/5 of the time but when it is good its soooo coool
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
all u have to do to be a good person is stop being a bad person
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
this is an amazing moment for mankind:

.play [YouTube]
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
how r u all today melons???
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
ur mom sounds based
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
ADHD havers, i present u this:

SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
okay I doomscrolled for 2 hrs i have to cut off today no more doom scrolling
somehow pulled a fuckton of mobs
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i never did that dungeon in vanilla because its in a weird place to go too, but I did the cataclysm version a bunch of times as a level 85 heroic

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