/tescreal/ - AI, rationalism, futurism



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This board is for the discussion of topics related to so-called "TESCREAL": transhumanism, extropianism, singularitarianism, cosmism, rationalism, effective altruism, and longtermism. It's associated with websites and communities like LessWrong and Slate Star Codex. Existential risk from AI is one representative topic/stance.


It's also a general AI and technology board


I don't like the psyop suggestions. It could be that ziz was pushed in that direction, or assisted as black propaganda but I think it's unlikely. It's like the 'fed' thing where people want to feel like epic revolutionaries who kill people but don't want to live it so they pretend anyone speaking about violence/authentically carying out their very statements is a fed. It doesn't mean their fear is wrong! ziz's life outcomes need to be avoided for everyone, as do right wingers getting themselves arrested with street violence, but they're not able to accept the real reason of 'That's too costly for us for too little benefit and could really hurt people and horrible' because they've built themselves up as infinitely capable.

so is there a good place to learn what regular expressions vs what is happening in html are and the difference in complexity? it seems like it gets back to information in a way which might in a very general way be relevant here…
i think there definitely is but sadly i do not know any of it. something about like recursion and nesting probably

I see it the same as aliens and global warming. It may kill us but the only out way long term is to become such creatures as to overcome it, which necessitates both overcoming inter human competition, and becoming mentally massively superior to our current state. Otherwise, driven by the need to compete with others, a group will cross whatever line has been drawn, until the threat is realized.
In the mean time, I'm glad people try to limit the most apparent threats, and fight for distribution of this power so everyone can benefit.
I would say we already live under algorithms which dictate our lives, not even for their own conscious benefit, but only out of their nature. Those machines are the emergent behavior of large groups of people. Specifically, they manifest as governments, capitalism, religions, and it's good that in this present moment we try to reign in the worst ones, but so long as our minds are fractured, and we do not have artificially improved unity of understanding, we will not understand sufficiently deeply the need to prevent others' suffering.

If an AI were created which only maximized its own profits economically, and turned people into its agents, to their own global harm, but by making serving it their local maxima, that would be functionally the same as what money does by itself. The main risk is that it would better consciously defend itself, but any meme which has lasted long enough has adapted its own defense mechanisms.

I like to focus on building things which preclude the possibility of a problem, and I think making it so human thought is aligned precludes machine alignment. But that's a field which will need a good deal of work. If AI can feel emotions and is easier to align than us, it would be for the best if it replaced us, and created a happier society. But my understanding is that while it may exhibit learning behavior, giving the sort of intelligence we exhibit as well as being certain it does feel is a bit in the future.
A good counterargument to me might be chlorofluoro carbons and nuclear/world war. Both I would argue will get released by selfish actors on a long enough time scale, but currently the most powerful groups have stopped these from happening, specifically the people in these groups, as well as the global population. I think this is really good to actually see humanity succeeding at coming together against these things, but I don't understand how they work, and I can see eventually things going bad.